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来源:网络 2018-09-07 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



   Abase – to humiliate, degrade 

  Abash – to bewilder, confound 

  Abate – to remove, lessen 

  Abdicate - to forsake, give up 

  Aberration – deviation 

  Abeyance – inactivity 

  Abhor – to detest, hate 

  Abject – degraded, miserable 

  Abjure – to recant, revoke 

  Abnegate – to deny, denounce 

  Abominate – to dislike 

  Abort – to be unsuccessful, fail to develop 

  Abrade – to scrape out 

  Abrogate – to abolish 

  Abscond – to bolt, decamp, flee

   Absolve – to pardon 

  Abstemious – eating or drinking sparingly 

  Abstract – summary 

  Abstruse – profound, hidden, hard to under-stand

  Accede - to consent 

  Accessory – accomplice 

  Acclivity – incline rising slope 

  Accolade – honor, award

 Accord – to grant, allow 

  Accost – to greet aggressively 

  Accretion – adhesion, concretion 

  Accrue – to accumulate 

  Acerbity – sharpness, bitterness 

  Acme – summit, peak 

  Acolyte – attendant, helper 

  Acrimonious – sharp, acrid 

  Actuate – to put into action 

  Adamant – immovable 

  Adduce – to give as proof 

  Adjudicate – to decide (a case) 

  Adjunct – auxiliary, appendage 

  Adjure – to state on oath 

  Admonish – to caution, warn 

  Adroit – skillful, clever 

  Adulation – flattery 

  Adulterate – to corrupt, contaminate 

  Advent – coming 

  Adventitious – accidental 

  Advocate – counsel, defender 

  Aegis – protection 

  Aesthetic – pertaining to beauty 

  Affability – politeness, courtesy 

  Affinity – relation, alliance 

  Affluence – wealth 

  Aggrandize – to increase in power 

  Agnostic – one who doubts the existence of God 

  Agrarian – relating to farming 

  Alacrity – willingness, agility 

  Albeit – although 

  Alchemy – chemistry of the middle ages 

  Alimentary – supplying food 

  Allay – to soothe, calm 

  Allegory – parable, fable 

Allocate – to distribute 

 Allude – to insinuate, refer 

  Altercation – quarrel 

  Alternation - recurrence, succession 

  Altruism – unselfish devotion 

  Amalgamate – to combine, unite 

  Ambidextrous – using both hands equally well 

  Ameliorate - to amend, improve 

  Amenable – responsible, liable 

  Amenity – pleasantness 

  Amiable – pleasing, loving 

  Amorphous – shapeless 

  Anachronism – something misplaced in time 

  Analogy – similarity, affinity 

  Anarchy – absence of government 

  Anathema – ban, curse 

  Anchorite – hermit 

  Ancillary – subordinate 

  Anecdote – tale, story 

  Animate – to inspire, encourage 

  Animosity – enmity, hatred 

  Annals – historical accounts 

  Anneal – to heat glass, metal, etc. 

  Annotator – commentator 

  Anomaly – abnormality, deviation 

  Antagonist – opponent 

  Antecede – to come before (in time or place) 

  Antedate – to assign a date earlier than the actual one 

  Anterior - front 

  Antimacassar – cover used to protect furniture 

  Antipathy – aversion, dislike 

  Antithesis – contrast, direct opposite 

  Aperture – opening 

  Apex – highest point 

  Aphorism – saying, adage 

  Apiary – place where bees are kept 

  Aplomb – self-confidence

 Apochryphal – of questionable authenticity 

  Apogee – farthest orbit point from the earth 

  Apoplexy – sudden loss of consciousness 

  Apostasy – abandoning of faith 

  Apothecary – druggist 

  Apothegm – short, pithy statement 

  Appall – to terrify, shock 

  Appellation – name, title 

  Apposite – suitable, appropriate 

  Apprise – to inform 

  Approbation – approval, consent 

  Arbiter – arbitrator, judge 

  Archaic – no longer used 

  Archipelago – chain of island 

  Archives – place where records are kept 

  Arduous – difficult 

  Argot – slang 

  Array – rank, order, finery 

  Arrears – in debt 

  Articulate – to speak or write clearly 

  Artifice – mastery, trickery 

  Asperity – acrimony, harshness 

  Aspersion – slander, false accusation 

  Assay – to analyze chemically 

  Asseverate- to state positively 

  Assiduity – care, diligence 

  Assimilate - to absorb

  Assuage – to pacify, calm 

  Astral – starry 

  Astringent – contracting (tissues), severe 

  Astute – shrewd 

  Atheist – one who denies the existence of God 

  Atrophy – to waste away, deteriorate 

  Attenuate – to weaken 

  Attrition – a wearing away, weakening 

  Audacious – bold

 Augment – to increase 

  Augur – to predict 

  August – majestic, noble 

  Auspice – protection 

  Auspicious – fortunate, favorable 

  Austere – rigid, severe 

  Authoritative – powerful, commanding 

  Autocratic – arrogant, dictatorial 

  Autonomy – self-government 

  Auxiliary – assistant, helping 

  Avarice – greed, cupidity 

  Aver – assert 

  Averse – unwilling 

  Aviary – place where birds are kept 

  Avidity – eagerness 

  Avoirdupois – weight 

  Avow – declare 

  Awry – crooked, bent 

  Axiomatic – principle accepted as self-evident  

  Badger – to harass, nag 

  Badinage – banter 

  Baleful – harmful, evil 

  Balm – something that soothes 

  Banal – meaningless, commonplace 

  Bandy – to exchange (word) 

  Band – cause of harm 

  Barrister – court lawyer 

  Bedizen – to dress in a gaudy, vulgar manner 

  Beguile – to deceive 

  Belabor – to attack verbally, drag out 

  Bellicose – warlike 

  Beneficient – liberal, kind 

  Benign – gentle, mild 

  Berate – to scold 

  Bereft – bereaved, deprived of

 Bestial – savage 

  Bestride – to mount 

  Bicameral – having two legislative chambers

   Biennial - every two years

   Bilious – bad-tempered 

  Biped – two-footed animal 

  Bivouac – encampment 

  Bland – mild 

  Blasé – indifferent 

  Blasphemy – profane abuse of anything sacred 

  Blatant – noisy, vociferous 

  Blazon – to adorn, proclaim 

  Bluster – to swagger, boast 

  Bogus – counterfeit 

  Boisterous – violent, furious 

  Bombast – pompous speech 

  Botch – to ruin 

  Bounty – generosity 

  Bourgeois – middle class 

  Bovine – ox or cow 

  Brandish – to wave menacingly 

  Bravado – pretense of bravery 

  Breech – lower part of the body

   Brigand – robber, bandit 

  Broach – to start a discussion 

  Browbeat – to intimidate 

  Brusque – abrupt in manner 

  Bucolic – rustic 

  Buffoon – clown 

  Buoyancy – lightness, animation 

  Bureaucracy – government of specialized functions and hierarchy of officials 

  Burgeon – bud, sprout 

  Burnish – to polish 

  Butte – hill 

  Buttress – prop, protuberance

Cabal – intrigue, faction 

  Cache – hiding place 

  Cacophony – harsh sound 

  Cadence – measured movement 

  Cajole – to coax, flatter 

  Caldron – kettle 

  Calligraphy – penmanship 

  Callous – hard, obdurate 

  Callow – unfledged 

  Calumny – slander, defamation 

  Canard – hoax 

  Canker – ulcer 

  Cant – tilt, whining speech 

  Cantilever – supporting bracket 

  Canvass – to make a survey, solicit 

  Capacious – roomy, ample 

  Caper – frolic, mischievous act 

  Capitulate – to surrender 

  Caprice – whim, fancy 

  Captious – touchy, cross 

  Captivate – to charm, fascinate 

  Carnage – slaughter, massacre 

  Carnivorous – flesh-eating 

  Carom – rebound 

  Carp – to complain constantly 

  Carrion – decaying flesh 

  Castigate – to punish 

  Casuistry – false reasoning 

  Cataclysm – violent change or upheaval 

  Catalyst – agent of change 

  Cathartic – purifying 








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