1. 考生本身词汇量不足。这是最常见导致写作用词单调的原因。考生本身掌握的词汇量就偏少,又没有专门训练或者背诵过写作用词,看的范文数量也不够,准备不足之下自然没办法写出五花八门的词汇来,所谓巧妇难为无米之炊,即是如此。
2. 有词汇量但不会用。作为一名合格的GRE考生来说,背诵大量的词汇是必须的。然而,考生对于背单词的要求却存在一些问题。不少对于GRE词汇背诵的要求只停留在混个脸熟,能看懂或者大致了解含义就行,而少有考生去细究词汇在句子中的具体用法。这也就导致了考生虽然认识很多单词,看着词汇量挺大,但真到使用的时候,还是只会用那几个常用的老词。
3. 没把握不敢使用。有些考生可能的确意识到了背单词要学会使用的重要性,也掌握了一些新词的使用方法,但因为缺乏练习,或者没有人帮助批改审核,因此不敢在实际写作中运用这些词汇,觉得没有把握,生怕用错,所以饶了一圈,到头来还是只能走求稳路线,反复使用旧词。
able→ capable, in a(ny) position
all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually
a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially
a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)
always→ invariably
amount→ quantity
as a result→ consequently
basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially
be, amount to→ constitute
therefore→ consequently
thing→ element, aspect, object, factor, consideration
too→ excessively, inordinately, unduly
too many→ an excessive number of, a disproportionate number of
too much→ excessive(ly)
try→ endeavor, strive
understand→ appreciate
ups and downs→ vicissitudes (of war, history, fortune)
very→ extremely, in the extreme, immensely, intensely
yield→ produce(results)