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来源:网络2018-09-19 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


  Part 1


  How many hours do you sleep every day?


  I try to maintain an eight-hour sleep every day. But it’s difficult to keep that as sometimes I have to work overtime or I suffer from insomnia. So I would say I sleep 6 to 8 hours every day.

  Is it necessary to take a snap every day?


  It differs from person to person. Some people need to take a nap at noon in order to get refreshed for the afternoon, but I personally don’t need it. If I sleep after lunch I won’t get up until dinner time.

2018年8月<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/ielts/tingli/'>雅思考试真题</a>回顾

  Do old people sleep a lot? Why?


  Probably yes. Because when people get old, we can get tired easily and need to take a nap or have a rest more frequently. But I have to say old people do have a much healthier lifestyle than young people as they go to bed early and get up early.

  Do you always have a good sleep?


  Most of the time yes. But sometimes I have to work overtime and get quite stressed, in this case I may suffer from insomnia.

  Part 2 & 3

  Part 2


  Describe a day that you went out but didn't spend a lot of money.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  Where you went

  Who you went out with

  And explain why you didn’t spend much money.




  I remember it was an early summer day, I went out cycling with my friend around central Shanghai, yes, you heard that right, the downtown area. We came up with this idea because there are a number of old beautiful streets and alleys hiding in the center of Shanghai, and we decided to find them out. So we rode on shared bikes and started our exploration. The traffic in downtown area was really terrible but as long as you managed to go through it, you will encounter some nice quiet alleys interwoven by longtangs (lanes). We took many photos of the alleys, the old buildings and the typical firmiana.

  The day trip didn’t cost a penny instead of one yuan to rent a shared bike. And we were able to enjoy some peaceful places that tourists seldom come to in such a tourist destination like Shanghai. It was a nice day.


  ①alley: 名词;小巷,小路,小径

  Eg:We live in the same alley.

  ②as long as: 词组;只要

  Eg:It was a sound that I will never forget, as long as I live.

  ③interweave: 动词;交织,混杂

  Eg:All these plot lines interweave and tauten right up to the unbearable romantic tension of the climax.

  ④ tourist destination: 词组;旅游胜地

  Eg:The thing about New Orleans is that it was not just a tourist destination.

  Part 3


  1. Would you say that you are a person who tends to spend much money?


  I don’t think so. I would go shopping quite often but I won’t spend much money buying something I don’t need. Most of the time I just spend money on daily necessities. On the other hand, even if I’d like to spend a fortune, there’s little disposable income for me to fritter.


  ①necessity: 名词;必需品,需要

  Eg:As the company grew and eventually outgrew my loft, child care became a necessity.

  ②disposable income: 词组;可支配收入

  Eg:With less disposable income, consumers will spend less and the economy would likely mute.

  2. Can you comment on the phenomena that some people enjoy going abroad to shop?


  On one hand, it’s because of the price margin. High tariffs are placed on imported items such as luxuries and cosmetics, so the price of these goods can be much higher than that abroad. That’s why some people prefer to shop abroad. On the other hand, with the increase of disposable income, travelling abroad is getting more and more popular among Chinese people, so why not enjoy shopping while travelling?


  ①tariff: 名词;关税

  Eg:The deal gives the U.S. five years to phase out a 2.5% tariff on Korean cars.

  ②cosmetics: 名词;化妆品

  Eg:He is also trying to sell fish skin, which contains collagen, to cosmetics makers.

  3. What are the most enjoyable activities for you to do when go out with your friends?


  I think as long as I can be with my friends everything can be fun. It is not what we do that matters, it is whom we are with. But if I have to say I guess it would be to go travelling with my friends as we can enjoy the beautiful scenery, trying some authentic local food, and taking photos together, that’d be superb.


  ①authentic: 形容词;真正的,正宗的

  Eg:Those stories should also show the true you in a memorable and authentic way.

  ②superb: 形容词;极好的

  Eg:Kings Park is also a superb place to see Perth in an indigenous context.













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