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来源:网络2019-10-11 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



  Animals and Pets



  1. Whatkind of wild animals do you like most? / What’s your favorite animal? Why?

  Well, I’m so into tigers. Actually, I was born in theyear of the tiger, so I suppose I have special feelings for them. For me,they have wild spirits and cannot easily be tamed. In fact, someof them may be ferocious, but watching their behavior can be somethingreally relaxing to do.


  the year of thetiger 虎年 (注意生肖前加the)

  wild spirits 有野性

  be tamed 被驯服 (这一点可以作为所有wildlife的共同特点)

  ferocious 很凶猛的 (也可用aggressive作替代)


  表达个人喜好的句型有很多种,前文提到My preference is to…, 本答案中提到I’m so into sth… 都是表达喜欢的情感。


  be into sth.

  be partial to sth

  be addicted to sth

  be hooked on sth

  beenthusiastic/passionate about…

  be obsessed withsth


  Well, yes, likeevery one else, I do enjoy doing ….

  Well, yes, …. isan essential part of my daily life.

  Well, yes, I’m ahuge fan of …

  Yes, I do. I guessmost people enjoy doing…, and I am no exception.

  2. Whatwas your favorite animal when you were a child?

  I guess when I wasa kid, I was 100% a dog person. I used to considerit as a perfect company, as it would always pay attention to me. And ofcourse it’s so loyal, I thought I could be good friend with it.


  a dog person 喜欢狗的人

  consider it as a perfectcompany 把它视作很好的陪伴

  loyal 忠诚的(也可用)


  在表达个人喜好时,本回答中使用的方法是I was 100% a dog person, 这样的表达在口语部分非常好用,相似的还有A dog person/ A cat person / A pet lover

  3. Doyou love to see the animals in the zoo?

  To be honest, I have to say no because I always feel sorryfor animals that are kept in the cages. Although they are welllooked after and are provided with food, they don’t have the sense of freedomlike living in their natural habitat.


  feel sorry for 为…感到遗憾

  be kept in thecages 被关在笼子里

  be well lookedafter 被悉心照看

  the sense of freedom自由的感觉

  natural habitat 自然栖息地


  在表达不喜欢的观点时,可以使用I have to say no后加原因。

  本题的主题词为animals in a zoo, 这个修饰部分在回答中使用了be kept in the cages进行替换,可以有效地在答案中避免重复。其他的表达还有animals behind the bars等

  4. Doyou have a pet?

  Yes, I am very much ofan animal lover and I’ve got a cat in my home. My cat is adorableand amiable, and sometimes I can’t help stroking it. It wouldaccompany me when I’m alone at home.


  I am very much of an animal lover. 我是个动物迷

  I’ve got 我有

  adorable and amiable 可爱又亲切

  can’t help stroking it 忍不住想要摸它

  5. Doyou think it's a good thing for children to learn about animals? / Should weteach children to protect animals?

  Definitely yes,and I suppose schools can play a big part in educating children about this issue. Children should learn howto look after the natural environment. I think schools already teachchildren about endangered species and the destructionof tropical rain forests, so hopefully future generations will do abetter job of protecting wildlife.


  about this issue 关于这件事 (issue这种模糊说法是主题词的替换词,其他还可使用stuff)

  endangered species濒危物种

  the destructionof tropical rain forests 热带雨林的破坏

  wildlife 野生动物 (注意为不可数名词,替代animals)

  6. Whatkinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

  Well, as far as Iknow, when it comes to raise a pet, most ofthe people have dogs in their house. Dogs are preferred over other animalsbecause firstly they are very friendly and loyal to their owner. Also, theyhelp in guarding the house against all the possible odds.


  …is preferred overother animals 比其他动物更受欢迎

  guarding the house看家

  all the possibleodds 所有可能性


  值得学习的观点切入句:Well, as far as I know, when it comes to…













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