今天小编即将要跟大家分享的是“雅思口语Part3主题: City”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!
conjure /ˈkʌndʒə(r)/ up images of 脑海中浮现...的画面
Picture France and you’ll no doubt conjure up images of Paris and its iconic Eiffel Tower.提起法国,你一定会想起巴黎及其标志性的埃菲尔铁塔。
economic and political hub 经济和政治中心
They’re often the seat of power, the economic and political hub and sometimes the home to royalty - along with millions of city dwellers.他们通常是权力中心,经济和政治中心,有时是皇室的家——还有数百万城市居民。
look into history 回顾历史
Sometimes we have to look into history to find the reasons why a capital city ended up where it did.有时候,我们必须回顾历史,才能找到造成一个首都为什么会定位在现在地址的原因。
far-flung 遥远的
However, it’s not located in the country’s centre and there’s often criticism from far-flung corners of the nation that they are forgotten by the decision makers in the capital.然而,它并不位于该国的中心,而且经常有来自该国遥远角落的批评称,他们被首都的决策者遗忘了。
geographical centre 地理中心
Other countries have taken a different approach by establishing their capitals in the geographical centre so they can exert control and project unity, like Madrid in Spain for example.其他国家则采取了不同的做法,把它们的首都设立在地理中心,这样它们就可以施加控制并实现团结,例如西班牙的马德里。
relocate a capital 迁都
Occasionally, there have been reasons to relocate a capital.
be less likely to be invaded 不太可能被入侵
This was partly because Moscow was more central, and the government decided it was less likely to be invaded by another country.这在一定程度上是因为莫斯科处于更为中心的位置,所以政府认为它不太可能被其他国家入侵。
be gridlocked 堵塞的
The city is overcrowded too and roads are often gridlocked.这个城市也过于拥挤,道路经常堵塞。
is four times the size of London 面积是伦敦的四倍
golf course 高尔夫球场
And more recently, Nay Pyi Taw was built in 2005 as Myanmar’s new capital. This remote city is four times the size of London and has huge roads, golf courses and a zoo – but few people.最近,内比都于2005年建成为缅甸的新首都。这座偏远城市的面积是伦敦的四倍,拥有宽阔的道路、高尔夫球场和动物园,但人口却很少。
今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语Part3主题: City”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注朗阁教育官网!