foldaway bike 折叠自行车
Oh, you've got a foldaway bike – which means it folds up so it's easy to carry or put away. 哦,你骑的是折叠自行车,它可以被折叠起来以便于携带和存放。
run away with your belongings 偷走你的财物
when you leave your window open somebody can run away with your belongings.你打开窗户时,可能会有人偷走你的财物;
snatch your phone 抢走你的手机
You may be speaking… using the phone… somebody just snatch your phone… you may expect the unexpected!你打电话时,可能会有人抢走你的手机……你可能会遇到各种意想不到的事情!
be stuck in a traffic jam 交通堵塞
It's no fun being stuck in a traffic jam – that's a large number of vehicles close together moving slowly – or being packed into a crowded train like sardines.遇到交通堵塞会很难熬。交通堵塞即很多车辆距离很近,像罐头中的沙丁鱼一样。
be less physically active 身体活动较少
be less physically fit 健康状况较差
My study found that adults who commuted longer distances from home to work were less physically active, less physically fit, weighed more and had higher blood pressure than those people who had shorter commutes.我的研究发现长距离通勤的成年工作者相对于短距离通勤者身体活动较少、健康状况较差、体重偏重、血压偏高。
cycle a longer distance 骑自行车长距离通勤
If you cycle a longer distance then you're being more physically active.如果骑自行车长距离通勤的人身体活动一定较多。