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雅思口语新题 Barbecue

来源:网络2021-08-04 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

雅思换题季 —— barbecue。别慌!语料速递,按需所取,当然别忘了勤加练习哦!


barbecue也叫BBQ,尤其是在英式英语中也叫做Barbie(别想当然以为这是“芭比娃娃”哦)。好cue其实已经不再局限于户外烧烤了。很多地方都有各式各样的烤肉店 —— 自助烤肉店、韩式烤肉、巴西烤肉、土耳其烤肉……  许多烤肉店都有自己的特色菜或烤肉酱汁…… 这些可都是肉食者或烤肉爱好者的天堂!当然,除了烤肉店,很多街边摊或夜市每晚都会卖烧烤烤串,也难怪很多人到了晚上经不住诱惑,要吃个夜宵。

There’re an array of barbecue (chain) restaurants - barbecue buffet, Korean barbecue, Brazilian barbecue, Turkish barbecue and so on. And most of the barbecue or grill restaurants have their signature dishes and sauce. For meat-lovers or barbecue fanatics, these restaurants are like a paradise where they can enjoy a variety of grilled steak, pork and chicken wings. The finger-licking dishes are served with some kind of sweet or spicy sauce. Some would be more mouth-watering if there’s a splash of lime juice or things like that. 

You see, every day when the night falls, street stalls become busy as loads of residents in the neighbourhood come to grab some skewers to eat. And it goes perfectly well with a bottle of pop for a night snack.

barbecue buffet 烤肉自助

signature dish 招牌菜

meat-lovers 爱吃肉的人

barbecue fanatics 烤肉狂热者

grilled steak 烤牛排

use traditional hickory or oak wood 

signature dishes 

finger-licking 美味的,好吃的

mouth-watering 令人流口水的,美味的

loads of 一大堆,许多

street stall 路边摊

skewer 烤串

pop 气水

night snack 夜宵



Backyard barbecue is a popular pastime and a long-held tradition in some cultures. It creates an ideal occasion for families or friends to have a get-together - soaking up the sun, grilling steak, pork, chicken wings and veggies and chit-chatting with friends and families. 

In China, backyard barbecue is not a common sight in cities. It’s a pity though. However, there’re many barbecue or gill restaurants where an extensive menu is available. Or if you prefer, there’re parks or areas specially designed for a picnic or a barbecue so that you can have a barbecue outdoors.  

pastime 消遣,娱乐

have a get-together  聚会

soak up the sun 晒太阳

chit-chat with 和…… 闲聊,聊天

an extensive menu 丰富的菜单


Though barbecue restaurants could be an ideal location for gatherings, many still prefer to barbecue in a picnic park or a large open space. Maybe it’s because they enjoy grilling food in their own way and add seasonings based on their own tastes. And of course, when they have a barbecue, they would make sure the food materials they purchase are lovely and fresh and high-quality.

seasoning 佐料

lovely and fresh 新鲜的

说起烧烤,有的人爱吃肉,有的人爱吃菜。比如烤茄子、烤玉米、烤鱼、烤鸡翅……  再搭配上啤酒或饮料,多棒啊!

What’s your essential BBQ items? Well, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. It’s natural that some are fanatic about steak, ribs, fish and sausages while others crave veggies like corns, eggplantscucumbers, and broccoli. What a scrumptious meal if there’s beer or other beverages. 

one man’s meat is another man’s poison 萝卜青菜各有所爱

be fanatic about… 极喜欢……

rib 肋骨

eggplant 茄子

cucumber 黄瓜

scrumptious 丰盛的,丰富的

雅思不过还是有很多人不太喜欢烧烤这类东西。比如小时候可能长辈都跟自己说,要少吃烧烤,因为外面的烧烤不卫生啊,或者烧烤太上火(由于国外没有“上火”这种概念,大家这里可以利用我们之前“paraphrase”文章里讲到的方法进行转述(查看“paraphrase”全文,戳这里:雅思口语 - 评分细则里说的paraphrase,你会吗?)。

Though barbecue has gained popularity in recent years, many people, especially older people don’t fancy things like barbecue and grill. Probably your grandparents once told you when you were very little, “Honey, having too much grilled food does no good to your health. It irritates your skin! You might get a sore throat or get pimples!” 

irritate your skin 刺激你的皮肤

get pimples 长痘痘













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