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雅思口语词汇- 谈论天气

来源:网络2021-04-21 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

Hello, it's teacher Neil again, and today we will be learning about weather and all kinds of vocabulary and phrases and sentences that can help you for the speaking section of your IELTS test.

Now please follow me and practice so that when you get asked questions such as what kind of weather do you like or what is the weather like in your country, then you can describe your feelings with perfect vocabulary to truly describe what you really want to express.


Alright, let's get started, shall we? First, we will be looking at hot weather.


Now, anyone can say, oh, I like, I like hot weather or I don't like hot weather. But there are many different ways to say hot.


Let's take a look. These words are words that express very very hot kinds of weather.


You can say, in my country, it is boiling hot. Now boil, just think about water that gets very hot and starts to bubble.


And we say it is boiling water. So boiling hot means super hot.


Just remember that. Sweltering is another way to say extremely hot.


But sweltering is a very British kind of word. If you use the word, in my country, the weather is sweltering hot, then a lot of Americans might not understand what you are talking about.


It is a very very British expression. Another word we can use and this is now a noun.


Just remember that these are adjectives, a sweltering day, or a boiling hot day. A scorcher is a noun.


So we can say, Oh, today was a scorcher! A scorcher of course means super super hot.


Another word you can use is a sizzler. Now sizzler is also a British word.

你可以使用的另一个词是大热天。Sizzler 也是一个英式单词。

So sizzler is also a noun, so like the Americans can say, oh, today has been a scorcher of a day. The British people will say, Oh, today has been a sizzler of a day.

Sizzler 也是一个名词,就像美国人可以说,今天是个大热天。英国人可能会说,哦,今天是个大热天。

Just remember, if you don't understand the word sizzle, just think about a pan. If you're going to put a beef patty inside of the pan, it will make a sound like sss and that means sizzle.

请记住,如果你不懂“嘶嘶声”,请想象有一个平底锅。如果你把牛肉饼放在平底锅里,它就会发出嘶嘶声,这就叫 sizzle。

So we can say and use as a noun, Oh, today has been a sizzler. Moving on, the next word we have is mild.


Mild is not so hot. Mild is a lot more medium.


So let's just write here medium. Mild is not so hot, but a little bit hot.


So we'll just say a little hot. So we can say, oh, the weather has been very mild today.


Oh, the weather is so mild. Next word we have is humid.


Now what humid means? Humid means wet heat, wet heat.


So what that means is when you go outside, it will be hot, but it is not from the sun that comes down on you, it is actually just the water in the air that makes it more hot. So even in humid weather, if you sit outside under a tree, you will still get hot and the sweat will come out.


So we can say humid weather is very sweaty weather. So sentence you can use is, ah, today has been so humid.


Or I do not like humid weather at all. I am sweating so much.


I am sweating from the humidity. Humidity of course is the noun.


Humid is the adjective. Another word we can use is warm.


Warm is very similar to the word mild. So let's just put them together like that.


Warm means not so hot. So we can say, Oh, today was very warm, or it is warm, but it is not boiling hot.


Or we can say, it was not a scorcher today, but it has been warm outside. Next up we have a heat wave.


Now what a heat wave is? Just remember when you look at the word wave, it means like in the ocean, the waves will come up and go over your body.


So a heat wave means that there is a lot of heat. That is not common and it doesn't come so often.


But in the weather, it will show that a heat wave, a big source of heat is coming into your country for one day or two days. And now it is much more hot than usual.


So you can say, Oh, a heat wave has hit my country and now it is boiling hot. Alright, next, moving on, we have sunny spells.


Spells, if you are not sure what that means, spells is the same as the word periods and that means short time. So sunny spells means it has been sunny a little bit, a little bit here, a little bit here.

Spell,如果你不知道它是什么意思,它跟 period 一样,表示一小段时间。阳光灿烂的日子指的是有一些阳光,这里一点,这里一点。

So a good sentence that we can use is, it has been raining for a whole week, but there has been a lot of sunny spells, meaning that there have been periods or short times of the sun coming out. So in conclusion, when using the heat and hot vocabulary words, when someone asks you what is the weather like in your country, you can say, well, sometimes it is boiling hot.


Sometimes, a day can be a scorcher of a day. Sometimes you can say, oh, well, sometimes, it's very hot, but sometimes it is very mild.


Although it is mild, it is still very humid. So if you walk outside a lot, you will sweat.


Another one we can say is, what is the weather like in your country? Hmm, it is warm but sometimes there can be an occasional heat wave.


And then it will be boiling hot. And sometimes you can say, well, it rains a lot, but there are always sunny spells.


Right, now moving on, we will go to cold weather and vocabulary that can express our feeling and go deeper into detail about how cold it really is. You can say, oh, it's cold in my country.


But there are different levels of cold. Let's take a look.


First we have the word chilly. Chilly means a little bit cold, not very cold.


Maybe we can say, oh, it is chilly in the winter in my country, but usually it's hot. So chilly just means a little bit, just like mm-hmm, just a little bit chilly.


Moving on, freezing. Now you all know the word freeze.


Freeze means it will turn into ice. So that means of course that it is very very super cold.


So let's just write here super cold. So we can say, Oh, in Europe, it can be freezing cold in the winter.


Oh, it is so freezing cold. I thought I was going to die.












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