1. Ultimate
What you think it means:The one, the only. The best.What it really means: The last item of a list.
Some people do actually use this one properly. You may see someone list off a bunch of things and hear them say, “Okay, at the store we need eggs, milk, juice, and ultimately, butter.” That is actually the proper use of ultimate. There is no other context or added context. It simply means the last one.
2. Conversate
What you think it means:To have a conversation.What it really means: Nothing.
Conversate actually doesn’t exist and I’ll prove it to you. Go into a program that underlines words with red if they’re spelled wrong. Now type out conversate. Did you see the red line? Conversate was meant to be a mixture of conversation and converse and be used as a verb. However, converse is a verb and there really isn’t a need for a second verb to describe the same action.
3. Bemused
What you think it means:Amused.What it really means: Confused.
This is one of the many words on this list that will make you strongly dislike the English language. Despite looking all but identical to the word amused, bemused doesn’t even come close to meaning the same thing. If you are bemused then you are actually confused.
这个单词也是Native Speaker也会get错的,因为它和be amused实在太像了。不少人望文生义的就以为它是“be amused 愉快的”的意思,但其实它是“困惑的,茫然的”的含义。