Planet Earth II is a 2016 British nature documentary series produced by the BBC as a sequel to Planet Earth. This documentary utilizes tremendous state-of-the-art technologies, such as ultra-high definition, remote recording and aerial drone technology to show us in an exceedingly detailed way how beautiful our Mother Earth is. The series was such a success that on the day of its debut millions of people watched it and tweeted about it.
The series, as a sequel to Planet Earth broadcast in 2006, comprises six different episodes telling us how spectacular nature is. It also explained how the wildlife habitats have been severely damaged by humankind. At the very end of every episode, it calls on people to take good care of our blue planet--earth.
1. state-of-the-art 最新的,最先进的
2. ultra high definition 超清
3. remote recording 遥测
4. aerial drone technology 空中无人机拍摄
5. tweet 口语表达,指运用社交网络谈论和发送信息
6. comprise 由…..组成