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来源:网络2019-09-29 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



  02 冲刺8分的文章


  Pharmaceutical enterprises are off and on stormed by media outlets claiming for a higher perception in humanitarism, either by lower the price of their patented medical products, or by directly offering medical help to the people living in poverty. However, personally, it sounds merely like a shenanigan played by media for acquiring more supporter, because there is no way for drug companies to survive if the primary focus is not on making money.

  BODY 1

  On the one hand, sufficient funds are prerequisite for pharmaceutical companies because the soul of their development is to invent medications for all human, which requires them to be profit-driven. It is axiomatic that one of the priorities of drug companies is to find cures to conquer lethal diseases and torturing epidemics, such as cancer and AIDS in the modern-day. In order to achieve a single step of breakthrough, millions of dollars are needed to hire professionals, import and update sophisticated facilities in the laboratory, and test the drug with only null results for many times. Abbott Cooperation, established in the U.S. in the 1970s, incessantly invest money in the research of bio-medication to relieve neurology diseases in the past decades. Their projects cost billions of Euros for the innovative and safe method to save children who suffers depression, autism and OCD. Likewise, world top pharmaceutical and biomedical giant, Johnson and Johnson, dedicated a large proportion of their profit in every groundbreaking medication program, through which, the general public are now able to spend a few dollars per capita to buy Tylenol, and to be insulated from potential infection. Therefore, if we browse any of the annual financial reports of such companies, we will see how much money they truly need simply for their survival and for saving lives.

  BODY 2

  On the other hand, some fetal virus and bacterium can move like a bulldozer that will easily wipe out the population in isolated areas, millions will die without the act of containing from drug giants. Most undeveloped regions worldwide, such as African countries and middle east countries have no advantages in supporting and offering effective medication to people; and historically they are often the most vulnerable and susceptible areas to lethal disease; these countries are helpless due to the devoid of funds, experts, technologies, and political support, even their medication system can break down frequently. As a result, they will need aids and supports from pharmaceutical enterprises when there is an urgent health problem either in the perspective of humanities or ethics. For instance, Ebola is posing threats and menacing to West Africa for decades, and have deprived thousands of lives in poverty who were subjected to a predicament that they opt-out medical treatment for lack of money. In such cases, many drug enterprises sent teams of experts to give a hand in saving lives. Thanks to what they have done in Congo, today, the potent vaccine has been discovered to save lives from Ebola. In many cases before, like the modern-day Ebola, smallpox and malaria, for example, were not to be overcome without the contribution from drug companies.


  In short, I am not arguing that drug companies should not be one of the powerful agent of charity and humanity. Instead, they must deliver helps in a narrower context when there is a situation, plus, when they have sufficient funds to cover what they cost. However, in a broader view of pharmaceutical companies, they make money mainly for the sake of their survival; in turn, they developed ways and medical facilities serving from precise diagnose to cures to prevalent diseases. These are for all human beings today, and there will be more for our children and grandchildren. Therefore, to witness more possibilities in the future, I strongly support them to maintain as profit-driven institutes, only share some responsibilities in helping the poor when they can or when they are requested.













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