In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods (televisions, microwave oven and rice cookers). Is it a positive or negative development?
1. 开发环境友好的产品 produce environmental-friendly products
2. 各种各样的产品 a wide range of products
3. 提高人们生活水平 improve public living standards
4. 丰富人们的休闲生活 enrich people's leisure time
5. 节约做家务的时间 greatly reduce the time spending on housework
6. 提高人们的生活效率 make lives more efficient for people
7. 促进制造业的发展 boost the development of manufacturing industries
8. 带来大量的工作岗位 provide a great number of jobs
9. 过于依赖电器 overly depend on household appliances
10. 造成资源短缺 cause the shortage of resources
11. 贫瘠的自然资源 scarce natural resources
12. 不随手关灯和热水器 forget to turn off the lights and water heaters
13. 错误的使用习惯 wrong ways of using electronic products
14. 加剧资源消耗 accelerate the consumption of resources
15. 排放氟利昂等有害气体 emit poisonous gases like Freon
16. 臭氧层破坏 destruct the ozone layer
17. 使得全球变暖加剧 make global warming worse