
2013-02-21 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:PMC_ivy








I. 可以用来修饰动词的副词

A. 修饰表示变化的动词(上升、下降、发展、后退)

dramatically=considerably 剧烈地;significantly 剧烈地;substantially 剧烈地;

gradually 逐渐地marginally 轻微地steadily 稳定地;

moderately 温和地;



The consumption of chicken increased dramatically but less significantly than that of fish.

Modern technology grows significantly and brings great changes to our daily life.


B. 修饰一般的动词或形容词

mainly=primarily=chiefly=mostly 主要

overwhelmingly 占*优势地

entirely =completely=totally=entirely 全部地

partly 部分地

greatly=highly 非常,大大地

somewhat=a little

fiercely=severe 激烈地

properly=appropriately 适度地

mentally 心里上(psychologically)

physically 生理上

superficially 表面上

virtually 实际上





Obese people suffer greatly, both physically and psychologically.

Many young people compete fiercely to get an ideal job because of the limited job opportunities.

We need to admit that such a serious measure could not have a positive influence on reducing the crime rate instantly, but it could constantly defer those potential criminals.

Some remote areas are virtually inaccessible in rainy seasons, so the construction of roads would be a priority for the local authorities.


II. 可以修饰句子的副词

A. 表示逻辑关系的词

a. 递进关系:initially =firstly 首先;secondly, thirdly, additionally 除此之外;finally=eventually, ultimately *终


Secondly, the advertising industry is a significant source of employment.

Finally, international tourism may lead to the conflict between locals and foreigns because of foreigners’ lack of understanding toward the customs and religions of the tourist attraction.


b. 表示转折对比关系:conversely= however, nonetheless 但是instead 与之相反


Instead, it is impossible for those children whose parents are both at work are impossible to stay at home until they are 7.

However, imposing heavy taxes on petrol would also greatly reduce the mobility of other kinds of public transport.


c. 表示因果关系的副词therefore, consequently


Therefore, I would suggest that sending children abroad to study would be a good way to develop their sense of independence, but it is far away from the best one.


B. 其他情感

specifically 具体的说

clearly=obviously, apparently, evidently 明显的是

fortunately 幸运的是

unfortunately 不幸的是

interestingly 有趣的是

undeniably=undoubtedly 不可否认的是

understandably 可以理解



Intesestingly, we do not pay much attention to the protection of endangered species although we know that their number has been deceasing significantly.

Unfortunately, the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides lead to the deterioration of the environment even if they make the crop yield increase and the price of food decrease.








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