
2018-12-26 22:20:51 来源:网络 作者:August














【例题1】 Answer A,B,and C

(A) Explains ONE important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England from 1607 to 1754.

(B) Explains ONE important difference between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754.

(C) Explains ONE factor that accounts for the difference indicated in(b).


【例题2】 Answer A,B,and C

(A) Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the period 1492 to 1700.

(B) Briefly explain a SECOND example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the same period.

(C) Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies resisted change brought by contact with Europeans in the same period.





【例题1】 Answer A,B,and C

(A) Explains ONE important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England from 1607 to 1754.

(B) Explains ONE important difference between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754.

(C) Explains ONE factor that accounts for the difference indicated in(b).


·Agricultural but diversified economies by 1754

·Initial tolerance for survival between American Indians and British colonist

·Wars between colonists and American Indians due to land and cultural conflicts

·Indentured servitude and slavery as forms of labor

·Dependence on trade from and to Britain

·Motivations for immigration


·Greater reliance on slavery in the Chesapeake

·Greater disparity in wealth between classes in the Chesapeake

·Large vs small farms

·Higher concentration of population density in New England

·New England founded more for religious toleration than the Chesapeake

·Settlement in New England more family oriented than in the Chesapeake

·Powhatan Wars/Bacon's rebellion vs. Pequot wars/King Philip's War


·Greater reliance on slavery in Chesapeake due to labor intensive agriculture demands.

·Greater disparity in wealth in Chesapeake due to unequal land distribution.

·Natural resources and individual motives led to different economic systems.

·Natural resources and individual motives led to different levels of population density.

·Religious persecution and intolerance by the Anglican Church in England forced Puritans.

·Land and cultural differences led to conflicts with American Indians.

【例题2】Answer A,B,and C.

(A) Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the period 1492 to 1700.

(B) Briefly explain a SECOND example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the same period。

(C) Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies resisted change brought by contact with Europeans in the same period.


·Native American population declined as a result of disease and warfare.

·Many Native Americans were enslaved and/or subjected to forced labor.

·Traditional tribal economies changed as a result of increased trade with Europeans.

·Native Americans and Europeans began to intermarry in Spanish and French colonies, producing racially mixed populations and caste systems.


·The introduction of new crops and livestock into Native American societies changed settlement patterns.

·Domestic animals brought by Europeans changed the environment and destroyed Native American crops.

·Views on gender roles, family, and property changed as a result of European influence.

·The introduction of guns, other weapons, and alcohol stimulated cultural and demographic changes in some Native American societies.

·Alliances with European nations changed politics and policies within and among tribes




(A)Explains ONE important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England from 1607 to 1754

Answer: The British colonies in the Chesapeake region and those in the New England region were similar because the colonists that settled there were looking for new opportunities. They either had been oppressed or were unable to economically thrive in England. Whether they were looking for land available land available for large farms, religious freedom, or trading and merchant opportunities, the colonists of both regions were looking for a new start in the New World. They were escaping issued they had encountered in England, which allowed for all colonists to be similar.


(B)Explains ONE important difference between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754.

Answer: As mentioned before, the opportunities that the colonists in the New England colonies and in the Chesapeake region colonies were different. Even though they were searching for new opportunities, the opportunities they were searching for were very different and played in important role in colonies' ideologies. The New England colonies were formed in hope to find religious freedom. The original settlers were the puritans who were escaping persecution from the Church of England, and the wanted to purify the religion. In contrast, colonists in the Chesapeake region wanted land opportunities. They hoped to supply goods to England which increased English economy. The Northern colonies were more independent minded and were seeking more freedom than the southern colonists were.

(C)Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies resisted change brought by contact with Europeans in the same period.

Answer: A factor that account for these differences was the way the colonists were treated in England before their move. The colonists in New England were escaping poor treatment and oppression. This made them seek more from the New World for personal gain and did not hold as much loyalty to England as the southern colonists did. Southern colonists went to the New World often by companies promising land. For example, the Virginia Company promised 50 acres of land to every person paying to go to the New World. This meant that they still favorably liked the English and were not leaving England to escape oppression. They saw this voyage as a way the English government was helping them became more stable.





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