
2018-12-28 21:48:03 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



  一,It is now easier for parents to raise children than it was fifty years ago because there are many more resources to help both the parents and the children succeed.

  Parents have a wider range of resources than they did fifty years ago, many of which are readily available on the internet. Parents can look up answers to questions any time during the day or night without having to leave their home. They don’t have to go to a special facility or wait for business hours. For example, a parent concerned about a child’s progress in math can look up statistics about other children the same age, read about how other parents dealt with math issues, or join a chat session to discuss the problem. Parents can remain anonymous when using many of these resources, which is appealing when asking personal or challenging questions.

  The internet also provides a vast array of resources for children. They can get tutoring help and practice lessons. They can even play fun games that teach valuable skills. If children are able to address their own weaknesses, it is easier for the parents. Parents fifty years ago had to sit and teach their children when the children had problems with homework assignments. If the parents were not familiar with the subject, they had to pay for a private tutor who could explain the material. By contrast, parents today can steer their children to educational websites that provide the answers in an interesting and interactive manner, freeing the parent to do other things.


  a vast array of resources 大量的资源

  address their own weaknesses 解决他们的缺点

  free the parent to do other things 解放父母去做其他的事情

  medical educational barriers 医学教育障碍

  二,It is more effective to complete a project with people who think and work in similar ways than to struggle to finish a task with people who have totally different ideas. Knowing each other and having similar interests facilitates the successful completion of a project.

  Members who know each other well can divide the task and set up a reasonable working plan to ensure that the project will be completed on time. If members know the others’ strengths and weaknesses, they can decide which part to assign to which person to best get the task done. I specifically remember being in a team of three students who had to complete an assignment that included a written essay and a power point presentation. I was a good speaker but terrible at using the computer, so I gave the presentation. However, the power point slides were all generated by our friend who was shy but very capable with the computer. The third person was very detail-oriented, so she was the natural choice to organize the information into an essay.

  Not only are team members who have similar ideas able to divide tasks effectively, but they also can create a solid common goal. If people are too different, it is hard to decide on a good thesis or theme, and the result might be a compromise that everyone is dissatisfied with. By contrast, people who think in similar ways can agree on a topic and develop it out, and it becomes very strong. In the assignment mentioned above, the three members quickly agreed on a common theme. We invested our working time into researching the theme rather than debating what to write about. Since we all were interested in the topic, we all invested our best efforts rather than just trying to get it over with, and the result was an A grade.


  be very detail-oriented 非常注重细节

  create a solid common goal 建立一个坚固的共同*

  invest our best efforts 投入我们*大的努力

  allot tasks accordingly 相应地分配任务





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