
2017-03-03 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编





Question 1

If you are asked to do a final project about the famous historical city in your country, which of the following ways of research would you choose?

A. to make a video about the famous old building in the city

B. to interview the old people in the city and record their evaluation about the city

C. to do research and write a paper

Question 2

Some students believe that students’ performance in class discussion should be part of the grade. While others think that they should be graded only by written assignments and exams. What is your opinion and why?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


A student suggests that the university should invest some money in academic conferences for students.

Reason 1: students can present their researches and learn from each other in the conferences;

Reason 2: it’s very expensive to hold a conference, and most students cannot afford the fee.


1. 这笔经费本来就不是用于学习目的的,而是intended for activities, 比如cultural activities, extracurricular activities, for example, concerts;

2. 学校的academic departments已经给学生*了参加*会议的经费预算,学生可以向各自的department申请,教授会决定是否批准给学生会议经费。


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.


Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Maturation effect: 一个实验的结果可能因为受试者的成长natural growing或成熟因素而改变。


教授举了*锻炼身体的实验的例子,two groups of teenagers参加试验,组没怎么锻炼,第二组did exercise for a year。一年后,检查how strong they become, 第二组学生确实get stronger了,但不一定是因为exercise, 因为teenagers在那段时间本来就会长身体,可能是natural growing的结果。


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。


Question 5





Question 6

【讲课要点】:The professor talks about two ways for animals to find their way during their travels.

1. the ability of sight, 例子是mallard ducks。当北美气候变冷的时候,绿头鸭会向南迁徙,飞向更暖和的地方。它们在夜间飞行时,可以通过看星星大致识别出天上不同星群的位置。这样,可以给它们指出正确的飞行方向;

2. the sense of smell, 例子是salmons。大马哈鱼会回到它们出生的淡水溪流产卵,每一条溪流都有自己独特的气味,这些气味来源于土壤或植物释放出来的化学物质。大马哈鱼从海洋游到出生的溪流,主要依靠嗅觉,一旦接近那条溪流,它们就会识别出来溪流独特的气味,跟着气味一直游到出生地,然后在那里产卵。





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