
2017-03-20 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  胡馨远






Question 1

Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you did recently that you have never imagined you would do ten years ago.

Question 2

If there’s only one green space in the city you live, and the government proposes to build a house on this only green space, do you think it’s a good idea?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


学生建议教授亲自批改所有学生的作业,而不是让graduate students帮忙批改。

Reason 1: graduate students毕竟也是学生,教授可以给到学生more detailed feedback;

Reason 2: 教授批改作业,可以让教授更好地掌握学生对材料的掌握情况,从而更好地了解学生的学习进度及如何能够更好地满足学生的学习需求;


Reason 1: 教授没有时间批改所有人的作业,这会增加教授的工作;

Reason 2: 教授每个星期都要和graduate students讨论学生的作业情况,也能很好地了解同学们的学习进度和对材料的掌握情况。


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Fear appeal: When companies make advertisement to attract consumers, one of the strategies they adopt is called fear appeal. That is, they present some negative events or outcome people may encounter, and they provide solutions with their products or service.


广告里一开始讲一些不好的方面,然后说产品可以解决这些不好的事情。例子是一家建筑公司做的一个广告,一家人在海边度假,家里的房子因雨漏水,把地板和家具都毁了,这个时候出来一条广告语——You can avoid this in advance: hire our company to check and repair your roof and you will never be worried about such a thing. 这个广告做的很成功,让人们都开始在意屋顶。


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions.

First, 向她父母求助,让父母帮忙支付,但是父母已经帮忙付过textbook的钱了,所以不想再问父母要钱;

Second, 自己打三个星期的工可以pay the bill, 但是她的朋友周末要来看她,她觉得不陪朋友不好。

Question 6


1. sense the odor, 某些植物可以smell, 可以闻到自己需要的nutrition在哪里。例子:一种vine, 向着tomato生长,而不是向着太阳;

2. sense the sound, 一旦听到有动物想要吃自己,就可以通过一种机制,把自己*护起来。例子:一种植物听到天敌的presence, 就会释放一种气味,让天敌离开。






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