
2017-04-14 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


朗阁海外考试研究中心  吴瑾




Task 1



关于Akkadian Empire衰落的原因。


1. rebellion of conquered city-state;

2. food supply受干旱影响;

3. 想独霸贸易,但是遭到其他国家的resistance, 所以没有办法获得一些重要的material。



1. 被conquer的时候,这些city-state的防御措施就被Akkadian的军队摧毁了,所以不可能;

2. 他们有先进的灌溉技术,并且知道存储粮食(store grain)的方法来抵抗干旱;

3. 开辟了新的trade来弥补短缺。

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.



独立写作重复2015年5月30日大陆考题。在答题时,考生们要注意题干中的几个关键词,老友(for a long time), 做了你不喜欢的事(does something you do not like), 在这种条件下讨论是否还要继续维持友谊。在写作中要注意带入这些关键词。以下是笔者从同意continue the friendship的角度给出的几个sample paragraphs:

First off, long-term friendship means the tolerance for drawbacks. Obviously, the reason why two different people become friends lies in their same interest, personality, attitudes, value and outlook towards the life and the world. But this does not mean that no conflicts happen. Even the closest couple will get pissed off when meeting disagreements; let’s say, one likes conservative clothing, but the other likes mini-skirt. So even if your friend does something you dislike, that doesn't shake the foundation of your friendship. I have a friend whose room always looks like a pigsty, and every time I step into his room, hardly can I bear the smell from his soiled clothes piled up in his sofa. But this won’t be a barrier in our friendship, for what I get from him is inspirations in academic pursuit and positive attitude when bumping into setbacks. Besides, without such tolerance, it may be very difficult to build real friendship from the very start, not to mention a lasting one.


Of course, some may raise a question immediately: trivial things, like different life styles, may not that matter; after all, seldom do friends live together all day long. But when it comes to important diversions, especially those reaching one’s bottom line, is it worth continuing the friendship? The answer is surely yes. For example, your best friend cheated his business client by forging the boss’s signature, would you break up with him, and blacklist his contact? Probably not. After thinking twice, as a true friend, you would tell him your authentic opinion and persuade him to do the right thing. Even if he closed his ears, wouldn’t you analyze the adverse consequences again and again, and wait him to make a change? Probably, that’s what real friends should be.


In addition to all of this, you will also be the beneficiary if maintaining an abiding friendship. No matter what your friend does, s/he may always be the one who understands you the most, and supports you the most. The longer your friendship lasts, the more it appears that s/he is the first one who is willing to help you out when you hit a roadblock, or to unreservedly share his/her opinion when you are stuck in a dilemma. It is often reported that to a man encountering financial difficulties in running his business, or a girl feeling confused about her future, friends are actually the right person to offer help. So friends are the fortune in our lives; though they may do things we don’t like, seeking for communication is a far better way than saying farewell to this friendship. In fact, this is also the thing we expect when we do something our friends don’t like, isn’t it?









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