
2017-04-19 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心   逯巍






Question 1

Which of the following current news would you prefer to read about?

- Politics

- Sports

- Art and films

Question 2

Do you prefer to study for an exam in the morning or at night?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The university plans to cancel the science class.

Reason 1: no need for non-science students to take science class

Reason 2: too difficult for science students to register

【学生态度】:In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the plan.

Reason 1: The university should hire more instructors of science class and should add more science classes.

Reason 2: Taking science class may have unexpected connection to other subjects. For example she produced flower paintings by observing flowers in science lab.


Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Real-time marketing:



The professor gives the example of a shampoo company. In a fashion show, some celebrities have nice hairstyle. The shampoo company uses this image to demonstrate that which product of the company has been used to make this hairstyle.


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:The female student needs help to move out her apartment on Sunday, and the male student forgot this and made other appointment with other friends to the art museum.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions.

1. She asks others to help her.

优点1:The boy can go to the exhibit.

缺点1:She may not find someone to help.

2. The male student can cancel the appointment of the art exhibit and give the ticket to other people.

优点2:Make sure the girl has someone to help.

缺点2:The boy wastes his ticket.

Question 6

【讲课要点】:控制植物数量的两类因素(two kinds of factors that regulate plant populations)

*,有些因素基于植物的密度(dependent on the plant density), 以此限制植物的数量。植物繁殖后代,数量不断增加,之间会互相争夺用来生存的基本资源。如若没有得到足够的资源,植物数量就会下降。例如,pine trees在森林中不断繁殖,达到高度密集的时候,会彼此争抢阳光,因为它们在荫凉处不能茁壮成长。所以,缺少足够阳光照射的矮树*后会死亡。

第二,其他要素基于发生在植物生长区域的环境中的事件(dependent on the environmental events occurring in the area where trees are located), 以此来控制植物数量。环境中的事件与植物的规模和密度无关。例如,一些树长在易于发洪水的区域,当洪水发生时,水会漫过树根,阻止它们获得足够的氧气来存活。所以,周期性发生的洪水会有利于控制区域内植物的数量。









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