
2017-07-11 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  王媛






Question 1

Among the following jobs, which do you think is the most interesting one and why?

1. airplane pilot

2. actor

3. detective

Question 2

Female and male university students should have separate residence halls. Do you agree or disagree?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The university proposes to offer winter break courses for students.

Reason 1: allow students to have more flexibility in choosing courses

Reason 2: the dormitory will be free

【学生态度】:The man agrees.

Reason 1: students may enjoy their summer time outside. Originally, there is a math class in summer, but the man wants to go camping and hiking in summer vacation. Now he can apply for the math class in winter break.

Reason 2: most of the students don’t have a lot of money, so it will attract many students without extra charge.


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


atmosphere deposition:

The air is comprized by small particles, and those particles will travel with rainfall or snowfall.


In Bodelie, there are large amounts of dust in the air, which contain sands and minerals. When it is blown into the air with the settlement of sleet in South America, it will supply adequate nutrients and minerals for local plants.


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:The woman's problem is that she signed up an activity of geology class in spring holiday. She may go hiking and learn the formation of rock. But her sister just planned to organize a family reunion in Spring holiday.


The first solution: cancel the geology class

Advantage 1: She may catch up with her sister.

Disadvantage 1: It is a pity that she can not attend such an activity, because it sounds pretty exciting.

The second solution: delay to catch up with her sister for several months.

Advantage 2: She can attend the activity in time.

Disadvantage 2: She can not get together with her whole family.

Question 6

【讲课要点】:The professor in the lecture illustrates two types of questionnaire about requiring public opinions, structured interview and unstructured interview.

1. unstructured interview with open-ended question, the topic is about general points

Example: Respondents are asked questions about the design of outdoor public, and they may throw out whatever idea comes to their mind.

2. structured interview - design the specific questions

Example: There are multiple options for respondents. For example, which one are they looking forward to watching, tennis court or soccer field?









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