
2017-08-30 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  蒋玮






Question 1

University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?

Question 2

Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings, while others choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The university is going to close a cafeteria in the east of the campus.

Reason 1: the number of students who like to visit there is rather low and the university can’t make ends meet.

Reason 2: there is also another cafeteria on the campus for using.

【学生态度】:The man disagrees.

Reason 1: There is a lab in the east part of the university. Each time when the students finish their experiments in the lab, they will go to this cafeteria, so the place will not become a useless one.

Reason 2: If the cafeteria is out of use, perhaps the university will leave the building unused for at least one year. It will affect the beautiful scenery of the campus.


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Species scaling:

animals will show various biological behaviors in different environments in order to increase their rate of survival


The professor in the speech illustrates the concept by comparing two different types of toads when they look for food in the ponds. For the toads in the pond with rich food resources, they can always look for food by themselves in an independent way and never communicate with other groups. However, as for the toads living in the pond with less food resources, such kind of toads tend to live in a group life, looking for food with their mates, and are more likely to find the unusual food they cannot eat in their daily lives.


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。


Question 5

【学生困难】:The girl would like to meet her new roommate tonight to see if they can get along with each other, but the time is conflicted with the meeting schedule of geography group study, so she feels quite contradicted.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions.

First, ask friends for help to meet her new roommate

Pro: can take part in the meeting

Con: hard to imagine to live with someone who is really unknown

Second, do not attend the meeting

Pro: can meet with her new roommate and know each other well

Con: there will be an exam soon, so joining the meeting can benefit her

Question 6

【讲课要点】:The professor talks about two main different characteristics between video art and film.

Example 1: one of the advantages about video art is that audience can watch it within a quite close distance. But spectators always watch the traditional films at a far distance.

Example 2: the second positive side about video art is that video art doesn’t have the beginning and ending like most of the traditional films. It has the unclear starting and finishing and the audience can decide how long they would like to watch it. Perhaps they can appreciate the beauty of the video art within several minutes.









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