
2017-11-27 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  孙磊







Question 1

Final is coming, and your friend often oversleeps and misses the class. Will you help your friend to study while you also have a lot of exams.

Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good teachers admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


E-mail: It says the better camera should be purchased.

Reason 1: it can provide good quality of photos;

Reason 2: this also promotes the quality of reports ;

【学生态度】:The man disagrees.

Reason 1: the problem is not about the camera. The printer can print black-and-white photographs only.

Reason 2: buying more cheap cameras because they aren’t expensive. Quantity of cameras is not enough.


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part

【名词解释】:Availability cascade, according to news reports, people will feel more serious about the issue than the real situation.


【教授举例】:The professor uses an example to explain.

Example 1: The professor takes a travelling website as an example. Due to technical errors, the website charges clients more. The newspaper reports that, and then the company apologizes, fixing the problem. But people are worry about they will be charged more, so that website wasn’t as popular as before.



Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:The boy wants to buy a book, but it’s snowing outside.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions:

First, he can go to the shop to buy it

Pro: it’s snowing outside and he’s sick.


Second, he can buy the book tomorrow

Pro: if he gets the book in the morning, it’ll be late.

Question 6

【讲课要点】the lecture tells about two ways of plant protection 

Example 1: They can perceive and react to order and they use the smell to protect themselves, for example, vines and tomato plants

Example 2: Some plants perceive sound if the predator approaches, for example, a kind of plant detects the sound of a caterpillar chewing on plants nearby and release chemicals to protect itself.









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