
2017-12-16 00:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  崔明媛






Question 1

A friend needs to take a part-time job in a Spanish restaurant at night which makes her tired and cannot concentrate in the class. Give your advice to your friend. Use details and examples to explain your answer.

Question 2

Which do you prefer: to attend a university in hometown or to attend a university in a new city or town. Use specific examples and details to explain your answer.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The university should provide organized trips for first-year students.

【学生态度】:The woman agrees with the letter.

1.    The university is too far from the city and the public transportation is not convenient.

2.    Older students will have more opportunities to get familiar with city environment.


Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Ecological trap:



有一种fly根据light reflection在particular water中lay eggs,但是后来它们在paved way产卵,这种转变是因为人类的paved way能产生same reflection,让fly误以为这是水,就不能孵化了,也就不能reproduce了。


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生问题】:The student has a problem that he has to prepare history paper at the weekend after the spring break, but at that time, the dorm will be closed, and he lives far away.

【解决方案】:The student has two solutions:

The first one is to live together with Nick. It’s close but he may not concentrate.

The second one is to live in a professor’s house and take care of the pets. It is a little bit far, but he can concentrate on paper.

Question 6

【讲课要点】:Two refrigeration techniques used by ancient people:

1.    用现有的冰。古代*人的做法,做warehouse把冬天的冰储存起来,这样夏天也可以用。

2.    在没有冰的热带地区,古印度人用蒸发来降温,蒸发带走热量,留下的水温度低,有的甚至成了冰块,用这种方法来冰镇食物防腐。











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