
2019-01-02 18:16:08 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
2018年12月16新托福口语考题回顾,There is going to have a students’ TV show. Which one do you think is the most interesting? A. Interviews of school leaders







Question 1

There is going to have a students’ TV   show. Which one do you think is the most interesting?

A. Interviews of school leaders

B. Students’ debates on political and   social topics

C. Comedies about school life

Question 2

Some people prefer to stay in touch with   their friends and family members while travelling. Others do not.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


Notice: The writer proposed the   university to build the green roof.

Reason 1: The plants can keep indoor   temperature and save the electricity of air condition.

Reason 2: It provides students with a   study area.

【学生态度】:The woman   disagrees.

Reason 1: The library is too old and   needs innovation. Also it will cost a large sum of money to keep plants fresh.

Reason 2: The school locates in downtown,   which will distract attention on study. Also, there are lots of constructions,   which make many noises.

Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and   why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Startle defense refers the animals using   the way of affright to expel the predators.


Example 1: There is a kind of insects in   South America, when birds want to eat them, they will change their feathers’   color from gray to red and generate screech noise to expel other predators. When   they leave away, the insects will revive its original color.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:The man is baking a cake for picnic, but his new recipes   make the cake contain health ingredients rather than tasty, thus he decides   wether it is necessary to take it.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions:

The first   solution: he may use other recipes to make the cake again, but he will be   late.

The second solution: he can take the cake   to the picnic, no matter how it is a health ingredient one.

Question 6

【讲课要点】:The development of   transportation takes two influences on the urban construction.


Definition: It   influence the usage of the   land.

Example 1: There are private cars, thus   buildings being built may be located in the places that are far away from the   business areas.


Definition: It will influence the   architectural design, house-building considered the inhabitants issue in the   past. Currently, we should consider the factor of parking lots.

Example 2: The houses were separated from   garages in the past, nowadays, all the houses have their own garages.









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