
2019-09-10 11:06:08 来源:网络 作者:yawen



Task 1



主题: 关于一种猫科动物


1. 这种动物经受bone injury后还能幸存一定是因为同种族的给他们喂食;

2. tar pits中有很多cats fossils,所以是群居一起才被困;

3. 因为他们的竞争者如lion都是群居,所以他们也一定是群居。



1. 教授说他们找到了足够的dead animals,比如modern tiger

2. 教授说可能是一只掉进去后,它的叫声引来了其他同类;

3. 教授说不一定,因为modern tiger也可以独自战斗。

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作


Agree or disagree


Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.








题目提及的politician leader两单词就足以吓退考生。这两个描述对象不是我们日常或张口就可以成文的话题,反而,需要思索片刻才能消除心中的陌生感。也就是这样的陌生会让考生望而生畏。


但是TPO48: Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize里面提及的ability to plan and organize就可以成为我们反驳most important 的一个切入口。




开头:引出题目并且表明partly agree的态度

主体一:论证communication skills 在政治家和*者成功当中的重要性

主体二:论证其他因素(比如ability to plan and organize)也是很重要




What contributes to a successful politician or leader? Admittedly, a skillful communication is of great importance as well as some other aspects like an ability to plan and organize.


An excellent communicative skill helps build up interpersonal relationship. As is known, a reliable bond between members in a group is a key to success. For example, a group leader fails to accomplish a task without a joint power since team spirit plays a key role in task achievement. Another reason is that a communicative politician tends to appeal votes publicly. Take Winston Churchill for an example. His famous public speech named Blood, Sweat and Tears delivered at the Second World War managed to call on supporters and the public into fighting against Nazi. How overwhelming his speech was! It is his outstanding verbal languages that appealed listeners. Therefore, communication skills allow a politician or leader to be accessible to triumph.


Granted, an ability to plan and organize should be attached an equal importance as well, which embodies the skills of anticipating, influencing and controlling in copying with toughness. Planning ahead, in fact, could effectively put one on the right track thus prevent energy from being scattered or wasted. As is shown in a survey, 90% of political elites and enterprisers had precise plans and organizations in advance. Like Bill Gates, one of most prominent in IT field, discontinued his study and shifted to a new but unfamiliar area because of his career planned and organized rather than an impulsive decision. In addition, planning and organizing promises a peak performance by predicting potential risks or disorders, meaning that leaders in the group can tell each member what to do currently and what should to do the next, a chaos avoided, due to rational collaboration and allocation in the group.


In conclusion, a good communication skill is a necessity for a politician’s or leader’s success, so is an ability to plan and organize. 








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