
2019-10-24 11:19:22 来源:网络 作者:yawen



Task 1



阅读Gamburstev mountain range形成的原理并提出以下三个理由:

1. 由于hotspot的运动而形成了该mountain range.

2. 由于plate collision而形成了该mountain range.

3. 由于ice的剧烈运动而形成了该mountain range.



1. 可以探测到hotspot,但没有足够近.

2. collision时间太久,the range's peak is sharp and tall (*相对young).

3. shaped by running water而非冰川导致的地壳运动.

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Which of the following one do you think is the best way to make new friends?

1. Traveling

2. Joining a sports team

3. Volunteering in the community activity

Use specific examples to support your answer.


As the complex society has been swiftly accelerating with the modern life, there has been a heated controversy among people about whether joining a sports team or participating in community activities or traveling is the best to make new friends. Some people hold the idea that participating in the community activities would reap greater benefits. From my perspective, taking part in sport team would be reasonable to enlarge social circle.


To begin with, unlike participating in community activities, people are more likely to seek friends who have something in common with them during doing sports. People with various ages can have very different interest in the community activities where they barely have the same topic to discuss. However, when it comes to sports, they, especially young adults, have an easier access to find their peers with the same hobbies and goal, which absolutely can encourage them to make friends with each other, thus promoting themselves to develop their own potential to achieve the goal. Thus, making friends in sport will help themselves to fulfill their goals persistently.


Furthermore, engaging in sports team enables people to not only strengthen their body, but also enrich their mind.  Joining sports team is catalyst to let people take exercise frequently, which improve muscular and bone development, thus largely reducing the risks of various disease. For example, Shanghai where I am living, is usually freezing during winter, so I often catch cold. A friend of mine asked me to play basketball with him every day. As a result, I physically improved remarkably and were able to be contagious against disease. What’s more, I could devote all energy into my study, thus improving my study efficiency.


From what we have discussed above, a conclusion can be reached that joining sports team is the best way to make friends compared with travel spent plenty of money in accommodations and volunteering in the community activities consumed a vast amount of time in people whose ideas are different from yours.










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