
2019-10-24 11:52:17 来源:网络 作者:yawen



Task 1






1. 没有野生的鸟,例如鸽子,这样会有排泄物在城镇上。

2. 游客为了纪念拿走一部分建筑,并且有游客喜欢涂鸦。

3. 工程师加固了,但是古建筑结构老化崩塌仍然在加速。



1. 利用生物关系,可以养老鹰赶走鸽子。

2. 请爱好历史的人来做义工监督教育游客。

3. 工程师发现以前的材料里面有害物质会加速建筑老化,现在替换了材料之后没有问题。

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Some people think that limiting the use of technology is beneficial for young students (age 6-12), while others hold the opposite opinion. Which do you prefer, and why?


With living standard greatly elevated, various technological products are available to most of the children at all ages. Under such situation, some people start to worry about the negative effects resulted from the use of technology and thus claim that this type of use should be limited. However, in view of the benefits of technology in students’ academic performance and in their social network, it is a wise move to allow children aged 6 to 12 to utilize common technology.


First, the use of technology is beneficial to children’s academic performance. Time for study limited, it behooves the children to boost their learning efficiency and expand outlook to win the fierce competition. This is where technology works. The applications, software and websites in this day and age encourage primary students to access to extra knowledge, deepen their understanding of what is taught in the class and take notes in a faster fashion. Gradually, a more satisfying grade will surely appear. For example, it is common to see many primary students today learn English through Jiliguala, an App for pre-learners who are interested in English. These primary students can learn how to speak in their right tone, how to memorize words more quickly and how to write a sentence without errors. Not surprisingly, these children are always the top ones in class and most of them ace the English tests even in junior and senior high.


Additionally, the use of technology helps children to mingle with others. It is unavoidable that many children are exposed to different kinds of games and information in cellphones and computers from a very early age, and typical of children is their tendency to give out all they have a little knowledge about to others, either to show their superiority or to find common topics with others. In this sense, the access to technological gadgets enables children to flee from isolation, come out of their shells and build up closer relationship with their classmates. Imagine a situation like this: a child in Year 3 is blocked up from television, ipad, smartphones and computers since he was born. When he talks with his friends, all he hears is about computer games, the newly-issued episode of an interesting cartoon or a striking event happening outside the town. He will soon feel lonely because hardly can he take part in the conversations.


Albeit all the aforementioned benefits of the use of technology, there are, undoubtedly, negative impacts brought by it. Children aged 6 to 12 are those without mature personality and well-built value system, which makes them the victim of fraudulence. Also, these children, apt to abandon themselves in the virtual world, are likely to ignore what they should really do and which direction they are supposed to head towards, thus driving their school performance to suffer. That being said, all the negative impacts can be prevented by parents and teachers. One possible solution is to supervise children when they click into the website and download materials.


In a nutshell, notwithstanding the potential threats, the use of technology should be allowed when it comes to the development of children aged 6 to 12.



1. 使用电子科技能够帮助学生学习。在时间有限的情况下,那些想要竞争获得更*的学生们要做到的是*学习效率和增加知识面。电子科技恰好可以起到作用。现在的手机软件、电脑网站甚至学习机都可以帮助学生们接触更多的课外知识、巩固课堂内容、*更多的技术支持来帮助学生们更快的理解知识和记录要点。久而久之,就自然会让学生们获得更好的成绩。例如,许多*生除了在课上学习英语之外,会在手机上下载很多应用软件比如叽里呱啦等等。这样的软件上面有很多免费的额外课程,可以帮助*生提前学习到很多语法、语音和词汇知识,让他们不仅能够在学校的考试中名列前茅,还奠定了以后的英语学习基础。

2. 使用电子产品能够帮助学生扩大交际圈。现在*生的特点是有强烈的好奇心、对于新事物有不断的追求并且会在跟他人的交流过程中显示出自己知道的东西很多。在电子科技和电子产品盛行的当代,在大部分的学生都了解很多电脑、手机和其他小设备的知识,也有过很多体验的时候,都在讨论电子产品知识是一个常态。由于*生有那样的特点,他们如果不了解不使用科技产品,就会让他们落后于集体,感到被孤立,与他人找不到话题,慢慢地就会失去朋友。

3. 虽然使用电子产品有诸多好处,但是不可否认的是这些产品同样会给*们造成一定的负面影响。对于6-12岁的*来说,*观和价值观还未形成,性格也不成熟,这样很容易被网络上不法分子利用,*终使得这些*误入歧途甚至危害生命。同时,*们很容易沉溺在虚拟*或者各式各样的电子产品中,忽略了他们真正的任务和未来的发展,从而影响学习。但是,这些负面影响是可以避免的。家长和学校可以监管*们对电子产品的使用,适当的了解他们用这些产品做的事情和活动,防患于未然。








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