
2019-12-11 10:08:15 来源:网络 作者:yawen





Question 1

Which kind of movies do you prefer, movies that are exciting and entertaining or more serious ones with important message?

Question 2

Reading part

Listening part


Notice: Writing retreats can help students improve their writing skills. Students won't be distracted by other things, and there will be tutors to help them.


The student agrees.

Reason 1: Going to the library with friends together can be distracting.

Reason 2: Students don’t need to make an appointment and they can ask questions about writing immediately.

Question: Explain the student’s opinion and why the student holds that opinion.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


Network effect: whether a stuff is useful or not depends on the way people use it.


Example: Just few people used mobile phones at the very beginning, but when their family and friends used it and realized how convenient that was, mobile phones became popular, but there might also be some problems that bother people, like calls sometimes get cut off.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 4


The increasing amount of carbon dioxide directly influences plants, and indirectly influences insects.

Example: Insects get less nutrition with every bite they made, and plants would produce something that's not good for insects to absorb.





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