
2019-12-18 11:59:38 来源:网络 作者:yawen





Question 1

Some people prefer to go to the museum with their friends or colleagues, while others prefer to go alone. Which one do you prefer?

Question 2

Reading part

Listening part


Notice: The student suggests that school should build book-return system.


The student agrees

Reason 1: Students need many books to research, and some are useful, some are not. Useless books might be helpful to others, but they are just too busy to return those books.

Reason 2: School has a copier for students to copy any pages they want, and it is free of charge, you just need to put the book there, and write down the pages you haven’t read, and get it later.

Question: Explain the student’s opinion and why student holds that opinion.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


Magnetoreception: a navigation system for animals, to tell them which directions they are going.


Example: A blind rat, which got a tiny structure near its nose, to help it find the way back home after searching for food.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 4

【讲课要点】:Two ways people use to prevent pests from hurting crops.

Method 1: Use a poisonous chemical to kill pests.

Method 2: Utilize a predator-prey relationship, for example, beetles eat a kind of tree, if people introduce ants on the trees, ants will eat beetles, and the numbers of beetles decrease, the trees can grow well.





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