
2020-04-13 11:58:09 来源:网络 作者:huiwen



  一、Read only the first sentence of a paragraph只读每段的*句话

  Good writers begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you what that paragraph is about. By reading only the first sentence, you can determine if the paragraph has information you need to know.


  If you're reading literature, this still applies, but know that if you skip the rest of the paragraph, you may miss details that enrich the story. When the language in literature is artful, I would choose to read every word.


  二、Skip to the last sentence of the paragraph直接跳到每段的*后一句话

  The last sentence in a paragraph should also contain clues for you about the importance of the material covered. The last sentence often serves two functions -- it wraps up the thought expressed and provides a connection to the nextparagraph.


  三、Read phrases阅读短语

  When you have skimmed first and last sentences and determined the whole paragraph is worth reading, you still don't need to read every word. Move your eyes quickly over each line and look for phrases and key words. Your mind will automatically fill in the words between.


  四、Ignore the little words忽略小词

  Ignore the little words like it, to, a, an, and, be -- you know the ones. You don't need them. Your brain will see these little words without acknowledgment.

  忽略像it, to, a, an, and, be这样的小词,你懂得。你并不需要它们,因为你的大脑不需要确认就能明白这些词





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