
2020-05-13 13:11:35 来源:网络 作者:cici





Question 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It will be helpful to have classes with your best friend. Use examples and details in your response.

Question 2

Reading part

Listening part


The university decides to cut off the parking area besides the teaching building for two reasons.

1. The space saved can be converted into virescence.

2. There’ll be less cars running around the campus, which would be safer for students who ride bikes or walk.


The girl agrees with that.

1. The university can make use of the space and plant trees and flowers, providing students place for reading and relaxation.

2. Closing the parking area can reduce pollution caused by cars around campus. And it’s more convenient for students who like to walk.

Question: Explain the girl’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


Predator saturation:

Plants produce a mass of seeds to prevent their seeds from being eaten by animals.


Bamboo produces tons of seeds every 120 years in different seasons to prevent their seeds from being eaten by big mammals. Besides this, bamboo usually grows very slow, so some years it might not grow. By saturating their seeds, bamboo can expand to many places, and therefore grow there in the future.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 4


Weeds may be unwanted because they compete with agricultural crops. However, there are two approaches that weeds benefit farmers.

First, taking coffee plants as an example, the weeds can hold the fertile soil, prevent it from being washed out by rains.

Second, some insects like to eat crops, but they prefer to eat weeds. The farmers can plant some weeds among coffee plants. The insects will eat the weeds instead of the coffee plants.




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