
2019-01-09 21:18:38 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
  雅思口语考试话题解析及范文分享,想要在口语考试现场有一个较好的发挥,就需要我们在前期备考的时候多下功夫,多多积累一些雅思口语话题,来应对难度较大的口语考试。 好啦,小编在下面就为大家整理了相关内容,我们一起来看一下吧。

  雅思口语考试话题解析及范文分享,想要在口语考试现场有一个较好的发挥,就需要我们在前期备考的时候多下功夫,多多积累一些雅思口语话题,来应对难度较大的口语考试。 好啦,小编在下面就为大家整理了相关内容,我们一起来看一下吧。




  Describe a book you want to write

  You should say:

  When you had this idea

  What kind of book you want to write

  What the book is about

  Is it difficult or easy

  And explain why you want to write this kind of book


  A book I want to write is an autobiography, which can reflect my trajectory and meaning of life.

  It was after I finished a course about (auto)biography last semester that I had this idea of writing. Initially, I thought this course would bore me to death, because to my view at that time, nobody except for the well-known could write a good (auto)biography. But, my understanding was totally wrong after I took this amazing course. Our professor showed us her piece of work to demonstrate how he could write a biography by, for example, playing the “straw person ” in his magic land of Oz, a story full of adventures. Her story told us that everyone was unique and special in his or her life story.

  Just as Maxine Greene, an American education philosopher, said, “life is like one damn thing after another ”. It was pretty hard to muster up our courage and face every obstacle in our lives. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, I think the most difficult thing to write a good (auto)biography would be that I need to experience more obstacles in lives and try to understand them in retrospect of my life so that I could get things to write.

  Well, I have always wanted to experience more in life. And to write an autobiography would help me keep a record of them. Also, I think writing this book can give me more time to contemplate about things in life that I haven’t thought thoroughly.





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