
2019-01-10 19:49:07 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




  When I was alone in spare time, I chose to build Lego.Lego which made up of many colored squares is a model such as cars, boats, animals, etc.Usually the model contains more than 200 small squares and needs to follow the instructions to assemble.

  I usually do it once a month. Because Lego releases new models every month. I am big fan of colleting Lego models. There is a cupboard in my living room, and I coulddisplay the Lego models.Every time I built Lego in my living room, I am willing toseeingmy works. One day, one day, I tried to build Lego containing 2000 pieces. It took me 2 days to read the instructions, and also took me 5 days to finish the Lego.During I built Lego,many times I want to give up. Finally, I finished and saw a Lego castle built by myself.

  In the process of Lego, I learned a lot of new ideas. First, Lego has brought me a lot of sense of achievement. Every time I share the finished Lego with my friends, they praise it beautiful. Second, Lego exercised my patience. Sometimes I do something wrong because of impatience. Therefore, in the process of composing Lego, I learned to calm and patiently complete it. These new ideas arereasonwhy I like to build Lego.








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