
2019-01-11 00:26:12 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
  雅思作文写作考试7分范文,雅思写作对大家的英语能力要求还是比较高的,在我们备考的时候,除了基础知识的学习,写作范文的积累也是必不可少的,范文也可以帮助我们尽快了解自己的作文缺点在哪里哦 下面小编带着大家一起来看一下吧,希望给大家起一个参考作用。

  雅思作文写作考试7分范文,雅思写作对大家的英语能力要求还是比较高的,在我们备考的时候,除了基础知识的学习,写作范文的积累也是必不可少的,范文也可以帮助我们尽快了解自己的作文缺点在哪里哦 下面小编带着大家一起来看一下吧,希望给大家起一个参考作用。



  To achieve the greatest success in sports, first it requires physical ability. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference. Speaking of individual or team competition in sports, stories about champions are invariably related to an extraordinary interplay of the physical strength and the mental attitude.

  The fittest and strongest individuals and teams have the most competitive edge to win. Certainly, the physical factors are key to victory in any sport event. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph. The same is also true to team sports like football and basketball. The winning team is always made up of players who have better physical conditions. So improving physical strength is undoubtedly the first thing that individuals and teams must do if they want to succeed in sports.

  That said, the other half of the success story in sports is closely associated with the right mental attitude. Most successful athletes feel that their greatest asset is their mental ability along with their physical ability, rather than their physical ability alone. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit. So If individuals and teams believe in the right mental attitude, then nothing can stop them from achieving the success.





  1. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference.


  2. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph.






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