
2019-01-11 01:01:27 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




  circulation(报纸杂志的)发行量,*量 = the number of copies a newspaper distributes on an average day (some newspapers have a wider circulation than others)

  heading or title appearing at the top of a page or article

  columns (报纸、杂志上的)栏目,专栏

  news that is printed in vertical columns rather than taking a whole page

  a news article containing the editor’s opinions

  comic strip(通常刊登在报纸上的)连环漫画

  readership (报纸、杂志等的全体)读者= the collective readers of a newspaper (some newspapers have a large readership)

  a cartoon series in the newspaper

  letter to the editor 读者来信

  a section in the newspaper for people to express their views to the editor of the newspaper

  layout布局,布置,排列 = the way articles are designed on a page (this can include the position of pictures, the number of columns and the size of headlines)

  attention-grabbing引人注目的 = a news story which draws public attention

  eye-catching吸引眼球的 = a picture or layout which catches a person’s eye

  in-depth深入详尽的 = with many details

  sensational news(新闻报道或文章)意在引起轰动的,耸人听闻的 = news which causes public excitement or interest

  black and white白纸黑字 = without colour

  paparazzi狗仔队 = a freelance photographer who follows celebrities

  front page(消息)头版 = the first page of a newspaper

  hot off the press(新闻)*的 = news that has just been printed and is very recent





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