
2019-01-16 00:26:45 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编





  Some animal species such as dinosaurs and dodos become extinct because of natural processes. So, it is not necessary to try and prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?In the process of the evolution of the earth, some animal species, with dinosaurs and dodos inclusive, died out, leaving them only pictures and imagination in our mind. Some claim it not necessary for us human beings to take actions against this from happening again. I, however, would disagree with their statement for the following reasons.Over thousands of years of human history, many species have become extinct due to human activities, and thus it should be human’s responsibility to compensate and make sure it does not happen again. Being part of dwellers on the earth as human race, those animals should not die out because of human’s selfish activities. Also, many of the species came to life much earlier than human on this planet, which means they, in comparison with humans, are the aborigines, and hence the later comers should be respectful for their existence. In this sense, we cannot just sacrifice their benefits for our own interests.Preventing animal species from extinction helps to maintain the balance of ecosystem, serving us the benefits to have a sustainable development in the future. Providing us the necessary resources from various angles, animals have proved to be valuable in existence to human beings. A lack of some of them on the earth may lead to some troubles for us to some extent. Besides, they, constituting the complete food chain in ecology, form a nature for us to live on, live in and develop. Therefore, protecting them is just like protecting ourselves.Admittedly, in the duration of natural evolution, in some rare cases, due to the lack of adaptability to the new environment, or the massacres by natural disasters, some species died out, which we human beings were not the responsible party, and were not there able to take actions. However, in comparison, more cases have shown the direct and indirect relation with human activities, ranging from killing them to depriving them of their habitats, and to damaging their living environment, of which we should bear the duty.To sum up, in the natural process, to show our humanity, and for the benefit of our own development, humans should shoulder the responsibility to protect those wild animals and prevent them from dying out. A complete earth will enable us to go further in the future.





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