雅思口语十个备考策略 How best to prepare for IELTS Speaking

2021-03-14 00:02:08 来源:网络 作者:
雅思口语十个备考策略 How best to prepare for IELTS Speaking

Right. Today, my friends, I'm gonna tell you awesome things that you must, well, you should be doing if you're preparing for IELTS speaking in the coming months. Let's do it.


So, my name is Keith and I run the keithspeakingacademy. Here to help you speak better English, give better answers, and get a higher score on IELTS speaking.

我叫基思,keithspeakingacademy 网站的运营人。我来帮助大家*英语口语,作出更好的回答,在雅思口语中获得更高的分数。

So today I'd like to give you these 10 tips and ideas about how to best prepare for IELTS speaking. So, first of all, just to be clear, actually, there is no one best way to study, to learn, or prepare.


Everybody's different. We have different backgrounds, different environments, different ability.


But what I'm giving you today are 10 guidelines that will really help you, whatever your background, get ready for the IELTS speaking test. As we begin, let me just remind you.


If you haven't done yet, subscribe to the channel, turn on the notifications so you can learn about new videos coming your way soon. Okay, great! Well, let's begin with tip number one.


So, first and foremost, I would say the first thing you should do is to do a mock test to know your strengths and your weaknesses. So, when you have a destination, somewhere you want to go, you may have a map and a compass and that can help you.


But if you don't know where you are now, how are you going to get there? What happens when you go into google maps and you look for directions?


The first thing it says is your location. You need to know where you are now and it's the same with IELTS, right?


If your goal, your destination is a band seven, you need to know your level now. Are you a four, a five, a six? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?


So that you know where to focus as you study. So, that's it.


Do a mock test. You can find a teacher to do it with you.


The one that I recommend is take ielts. net. They have a package of mock tests that you can do.

我推荐的一个方法是使用 ielts.net。它们有一个供你使用的模拟测试包。

The great thing is they've got the four skills. They are professional and I think great value for money.


So, you could do that. You can do it all online and then find out get feedback of where you are now. So, you know how best to get where you're going.


So, that's it. Do a mock test first. Number two.


Number two is to make a realistic plan. So, when you make a plan, I would say you want to spend about 80 per cent of your time improving your general spoken English and about 20 per cent focused on the IELTS test, the format, the techniques and approaches for different questions there, right?


When you're looking at the the 80 per cent general English speaking and remember IELTS speaking is the same for academic or general, then be sure to focus on your study on language vocabulary.?So learning new words, learning collocations, learning words in context, um, learning the grammar of words and how they're used.


Also on grammar, on activating your grammar, how it's used and how the grammar works. Make sure you're doing both of those and activate your language.


So, practice, practice, practice. It's not enough to watch videos, it's not enough to listen to podcasts.


You need to be practicing as well so that you're activating a lot of the language. So, make sure your plan is balanced with general English and IELTS practice, make sure it's balanced with study and practice, and then make sure it's a realistic plan.


So, a lot of students, right, might come to a teacher like me two weeks before the class and say, "Listen, I'm a band five, and my goal is to be a band seven. I've got the exam in two weeks time. Help!" Right! So, realistic, realistically, you're not going to achieve that, right?


Now, in your plan, you need to know how long to dedicate to studying and practicing in order to get to the level that you want to get to, right? Now, of course, everybody is different.


We have different backgrounds, maybe you've never spoken English before, maybe you traveled to an English-speaking country for several years when you were younger. We all have different motivations and different opportunities for practicing now.


So, we all learn in different ways. But there is research done and Cambridge do give some guidelines about how long it takes to move up a level.


So, very simply, right, at a lower level, the kind of from a band three to a band four, it may take 120 hours of guided study, right? If you're looking and as you move up the levels, it takes longer, you need more time.


So, Cambridge give estimates, maybe band 4 to a band 5 around 200 hours, band 5 to a band 6 maybe 260, about 6 to a band 7 maybe 300 hours. Very very approximately speaking, right?


But think about it. If it's gonna take you 300 hours to move from a band six to a band seven and you're studying three hours a day, that's a hundred days. And if you're studying Monday to Friday, five days a week, well, that's five months.


Five months to go up a level. So, that can give you a guideline, right?


As I said, it's not true for everybody because we all have different circumstances. But as a very rough guideline, that's what you may be looking at.


So, make a realistic plan based on that, right? And when you have your plan, tell other people.


If you make a plan to do something, I'm gonna to do, I don't know, I'm gonna do the IELTS test, tell other people what you're going to do. "I'm gonna do IELTS in october.


I'm gnna study five days a week, two hours a day." Tell your friends and your family, so they can hold you accountable.


And when you're not studying, they say, "Well, you said you're gonna do this and now you're not. What's happening?" Telling other people can really help them encourage you and push you, hold you accountable to make sure you are studying.


So, share your plan with others as well. Now, number three.


And number three: Get some good resources. There's nothing worse than spending hours going through websites that I've got unreliable information, bad English, and just do not help you, right?


It's a, it's a maze of information out there. So, find the good reliable resources.


Now, these may include teachers, right? Find a good teacher, a good school if you can.


That may be face to face or online. Communities, on Facebook, there are lots of very very good communities where you can be learning lots, sharing, getting motivated with other students as well.


Websites, of course, but again, make sure you get the good reliable ones. For example, ieltsliz is very good, ieltsadvantage has some very good free resources, ieltsetc also great free resources, the ielts. com, britishcouncil.

当然了,还有网站,但是再次强调,一定要*你得到的资料是好的可靠的。例如,ieltsliz 非常好,ieltsadvantage 有一些非常好的免费资源,ieltsetc 也有很好的免费资源,ielts.com,britishcouncil。

They all have some great resources that you can use. There are books.


So I would say, you know, two of the key books probably The official Cambridge Guide to IELTS would be a invaluable purchase, Cambridge Practice Tests, um, the series 1 to 14. All of those can be great to be doing practice tests.

所以我想说,有两本关键的书,《剑桥雅思官方指南》,一定要买,《剑桥练习考试》,嗯,系列 1 到 14。所有这些对于做练习测试都很有用。

I think reference books, having a good dictionary is absolutely essential. Nowadays, most people are using online dictionaries, but you know, the macmillan, collins, oxford, they're all great dictionaries online.


And then you've got reference books. I like the series which is the English Collocations in Use by Michael McCarthy.


There's also the English Grammar in Use, English Idioms in Use. There's different levels. I think the advanced level with again, Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'dell.


There these are great reference books that can help you expand your knowledge and vocabulary. But also, make sure that you're activating it through practice.


So, these are all great resources to have that will help you prepare for IELTS speaking. Number four is to become familiar with the format of the test: the common topics in the test, and the evaluation criteria for the test.


It's really important that you know the kind of questions you're going to be asked so you're not caught out by surprise. Understanding the the topics so that helping you prepare by topic.


I wouldn't necessarily prepare all the questions. I mean, there are just so many and they change, and in part three, they can change.


The examiner can make them up. So, focus on the topics that you can study, um, whether the topics are holidays, travel, environment, animals, right?


Learning to talk confidently and flexibly about those topics is key. So, where can you find this information about the format of the exam and the topics?


Well, keithspeakingacademy. com has something, ielts. com, the official website, britishcouncil has a free course, roadtoielts tells you all about the exam format. There's also on futurelearn, understanding ielts speaking, a free course, I think for three weeks, will help you understand the format of the test.

好吧,keithspeakingacademy.com 有一些资料,ielts.com 是官方网站,britishcouncil 有免费课程,roadtoielts 告诉你所有关于考试形式的信息。在 futurelearn 网站上有一门免费的课程,叫做“理解雅思口语”,我想这是一门为期三周的课程,可以帮助你理解考试的形式。

Really well worth doing. And finally, knowing the evaluation criteria.


So, the basics are fluency, vocabulary, grammar pronunciation. The band descriptors are available publicly.


They're out there on the Internet. You can get them and check what you need there.


There's a link down below if you want to get those. And if you want to learn more about the evaluation, watch my video up here.


It tells you all about the four areas you're evaluated on in IELTS speaking. Next up.


Number five is to do lots of blah blah blah blah blah blah, speaking practice. So, sometimes, students fall into the trap of studying with the books, studying with the books watching the videos watching the videos.


But they're not actually speaking or practicing. And it's essential, right, you need to practice repeating for your pronunciation, intonation.


But you also need to practice, interacting with people, so you can react quickly, be flexible, think on your feet, right? So, speaking practice is essential.


A great way to do that is finding a speaking partner. Again, Facebook groups are full of people looking for speaking partners.

找一个口语拍档是一个非常好的方法。同样,Facebook 群组里到处都是寻找口语拍档的人。

You can also find a teacher. Nowadays, on online, you've got CAMBLY, you've got italki, find some great teachers who can help you practice English or look for a language partner where you teach them your language and they teach you English.

你也可以找老师。现在,在网上,你可以找到 CAMBLY,你可以找到 italki,找一些可以帮助你练习英语的好老师,或者找一个语言学习拍档,你可以教他们你的语言,他们也可以教你英语。

It's another way of doing it. That way, it can be free, you just give your time but get into the habit of practicing and practicing whenever you can.


Number six is to get feedback on your speaking. So, when you're speaking, you are gonna make mistakes.


There'll be issues around fluency, pronunciation, use of vocabulary or grammar. And you need somebody to say, "Listen, that is not correct. Change it."


"What do you mean by that?" - "Do you realize you're hesitating?" And just to have almost a mirror that somebody with a very good level of English who can give you feedback, give you corrections.

“你这是什么意思?” - “你意识到你在犹犹豫豫的吗?”就像一面镜子,一个英语水平很高的人可以给你反馈,给你纠正。

Because if you're not correcting your mistakes, the danger is you repeat, repeat, repeat the mistakes and you don't improve. So, having somebody to give you feedback, that can be a student at a higher level, it can be a language partner or a speaking partner, it can be a teacher.


Again, if you're on one of these online platforms, having a teacher to give you the feedback. It's really important to get that.


Now, number seven. . . . . . in some ways is related to number six about getting feedback.


Number seven is to record yourself speaking, and listen, so you can improve. Now, if you can't find a teacher to give you feedback, actually you yourself can give yourself feedback.


When you record yourself speaking and listen back, you're then able to some extent to evaluate some of the things you're saying. You can certainly evaluate fluency, hesitation, because you can hear it.


You may be able to evaluate grammar, common mistakes that you know you make. You may be able to pick up on pronunciation issues possibly as well, right?


And the great thing, as I mentioned before about the band descriptors, right, the evaluation criteria, is you can use that to also listen to your recording and say, "The band 7 level needs this flexibility. Am I flexible or am I just giving memorized answers?"


So, use that as well to help you see if you're making progress. Also, when you record yourself, you can share that with friends or other students or your teacher.


When you ask with a speaking partner, you ask your speaking and ask them to correct you. It can be quite embarrassing sometimes, for a speaking partner, they may not want to upset you or tell you lots of mistakes.


And they've really got to listen carefully. But when you get a recording, certainly in my case, when somebody sends me a recording, I can sit down quietly, cup of tea, listen a couple of times and see what the mistakes are and give very specific feedback.


You can do that whether you're a partner, a student, or a teacher, so you can send your recording to others to give them for them to give you feedback. And it can be a very very effective way of using the recording to get feedback from others.


So, that gives you more flexibility as well. You can send it to them through Facebook, messenger, email, whichever you prefer.


Number eight is to extend and activate vocabulary. I think especially at the higher levels.


When you get, once you get to a band six, you've probably learned most of the grammar. You're going to ever need and your pronunciation is much harder to start changing after years and years of speaking, but vocabulary is something you can always expand.


You can have notebooks, make re-, you know, record vocabulary. When you do that, record the form, is it a noun, a verb, an adjective, adverb, record the collocation, which words go together, record the context.


Now, recording and making notes is good, but it's the activation that's key. So, having lots of passive vocabulary and three or four books full of word lists, that's a start.


But you need to be able to use them. So, you need to focus on activating vocabulary.


Indeed, I would say, at some point, that you almost stop learning new vocabulary because you've already got a huge pool of passive vocabulary in your brain that you need to get out. So, when you're doing your speaking practice, don't focus so much on the new words and fancy band nine level words, focus on what you know that's in here and getting it out and starting to speak it out fluently.


That activation of vocabulary, it's a really key thing, it can make a huge difference to your score if you focus on that area. Good. Moving on.


Tip number nine is to immerse yourself in English but natural and authentic English. So, what often happens to students is they're studying from the course book, reading the dictionary, looking at the reference books.


And a lot of that language is for students and you're forgetting the natural language. What sometimes we call the authentic English which is spoken by native speakers or very proficient speakers.


So, your films, your podcasts, your radio shows, your series on TV or netflix. All of that natural authentic English which is where you'll find some of the really really useful language and not only developing your listening skills, but building up your passive language, right?


And I think that's really key because it can be fun as well because you can learn things that you enjoy learning and studying, not just the things in the course book that you may have, right? And I think it's really important to expose yourself to a wide variety of things.


So, if you're always watching Fast and Furious. . . Action movies for English.


That's okay, but that's not gonna give you a wide variety of vocabulary. So, do make sure you're watching different things, right, whether it's cooking programmes, politics, debate shows are great right for topical issues, maybe the news, maybe a comedy show, all of these things, and remember that the usual IELTS topics.


And make sure you're listening to that kind of language. It's really useful. And you'll also find as you listen to these things that you get some great ideas.


Now, although IELTS speaking, you're not evaluated on the quality of your ideas, you do need ideas to talk about. So, if you're asked questions about climate change and you have no idea what is going on with climate change other than it's not good, you're going to struggle to show off your language.


So, listen to some podcasts on climate change, watch a documentary on climate change, you know that's a topic that may come up. So, be looking at, you know, getting not just the language but the ideas that you can talk about, especially in part three of IELTS speaking.


And I think you'll find, as you build your language and build a whole stock of ideas, your confidence comes up. Because as they start asking questions about more complex issues, right, you've got the ideas, you've seen things and listen to things, helps build your confidence.


Great! Moving on. Number 10 is to do plenty of practice tests under exam conditions.


Under exam conditions means you imagine you are in the exam. So, you can do this in different ways.


You can ask a friend or a teacher to give you a mock test, a real practice test. You can record yourself asking some questions, play them back.


But you do it timed, following the timing and without stopping. Right. You don't in the middle of a question go, "Oh, no, no, oh, that's a mistake, stop! Rewind!" "No, no! Let's do it again!"


No! You go through from the start to the end, the full 11 to 14 minutes, and you do it non-stop like it was the exam. Why? Because it puts pressure on you and it makes you react the way you're going to react in the test.

不!从头到尾,整整 11 到 14 分钟,不能停,就像考试一样。为什么?因为这会给你带来压力,它会让你做出你在考试中将要做出的反应。

And if you've never done it and suddenly, you're in the test, you're out of your comfort zone, you've never had the pressure. So, get used to the pressure, get used to the timing, get used to doing practice tests, speaking tests under exam conditions.


It's really important. Also, you know, on speaking day, you don't want to be caught out by any surprises, right?


"Oh, I didn't know it would go on for 14 minutes," "Oh, I didn't know we only had one minute to prepare." Come on! Make sure you know the format and you know what's going to happen, not only that you know it, but that you've experienced it.


So, you're more confident, right? On that note, you should also know so that you're not getting any surprises on test day.


You should know the test is recorded, so the examiner has a little mp3 player, right, don't be surprised. The examiner doesn't answer questions in part one or part two, right, part three possibly, but not at the beginning.

你应该知道考试是录音的,所以*有一个小 mp3 播放器,对吧,不要惊讶。*在*部分或第二部分不会回答问题,对吧,第三部分也可能不会,但不会在一开始就回答。

The examiner will not change the cue card or the topic card in part two. The examiner will sometimes interrupt you and they can do it quite curtly or sharply, don't be surprised.


The examiner won't let you just talk on and on and on about the same topic. They will be cutting you in, cutting you off and interrupting you, because they want to move on to different questions to test your wide range of language and ability and to test your flexibility, especially in part three.


Can you react and give justification evaluation of your opinions and other ideas? And of course, remember, sometimes the examiner doesn't look very interested, because of course, they don't care about your ideas, they're just focused on the language you're using, okay?


So, you don't want any surprises on test day. So, make sure you not only know these things, but you've experienced them through doing practice tests under exam conditions.


Great! So, these are my 10 tips, the 10 things you should be doing if you're preparing for IELTS speaking in the coming months. There are all the links down below, you can find out more information.





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