
2021-03-19 14:46:33 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
Q. Do candidates have to pass each paper in order to pass the whole exam?   A. No. The candidates' grades are based on their overall score in all the papers.   Q. How many questions do candidates have to get right to pass Cambridge English: Key?   A. A


  Q. Do candidates have to pass each paper in order to pass the whole exam?

  A. No. The candidates' grades are based on their overall score in all the papers.

  Q. How many questions do candidates have to get right to pass Cambridge English: Key?

  A. A pass mark in the whole test is approximately 70% of all the available marks over the three papers, Reading & Writing, Listening and Speaking. A 'Pass with Merit' is approximately 85% of the total marks. There are no pass/fail levels in individual papers.

  Q. What level is Cambridge English: Key?

  A. Cambridge English Language Assessment exams are aligned to the Council ofEuropeCommon European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels.CambridgeEnglish: Key is at Level A2.

  Q. What are the main reasons that candidates take Cambridge English: Key?

  A. Cambridge English Language Assessment is a department of the world-famous and historicUniversityofCambridge. Attaining one of its certificates is an achievement and a reward in itself. However, there are many other benefits to takingCambridgeEnglish: Key:

  •CambridgeEnglish: Key certificates do not expire.

  •CambridgeEnglish: Key is a truly international certificate, recognised around the world for business and study purposes.

  • Thousands of employers, universities and government departments officially recogniseCambridgeEnglish: Key as a basic qualification in English.

  • Although Cambridge English: Key is a basic exam, it offers candidates a chance to find out their strengths and weaknesses in using English, and gives them a pathway to higher qualifications such as the Cambridge English: Preliminary and Cambridge English: First.

  • 'Can Do' skills atCambridgeEnglish: Key level give candidates the confidence to use English in real situations.

  Q. How many parts are there to Cambridge English: Key?

  A. Cambridge English: Key has three papers:

  Reading and Writing: 1 hour 10 minutes

  Candidates will need to be able to understand simple written information such as signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. You will also have to fill gaps in simple sentences and write a short piece of around 25 words.

  Listening: 30 minutes

  Candidates need to show your ability to understand announcements and other spoken material when spoken reasonably slowly.

  Speaking: up to 10 minutes

  Candidates will need to demonstrate they can take part in a conversation by answering and asking simple questions. Speaking tests are normally held with two candidates.

  Q. How often and where can candidates take Cambridge English: Key?

  A. Cambridge English: Key is available on several dates during the year and it is also possible to take a computer-based version of the exam, which has sessions every month. See Exam Dates and Find a Course.

  Q. What is the difference between Cambridge English: Key and Cambridge English: Key for Schools?

  A. Both follow exactly the same format and the level of the question papers is identical. The only difference is that the content and treatment of topics inCambridgeEnglish: Key for Schools have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of school pupils.

  Q. My students are 14 and 15. Should they take Cambridge English: Key for Schools or Cambridge English: Key?

  A. It is up to the teachers and the parents as to whether to enter candidates forCambridgeEnglish: Key orCambridgeEnglish: Key for Schools. There are no maximum or minimum age limits for either exam. In a class of mixed ages, the teacher may decide to enter all candidates for the same version of the exam if they feel that the content is appropriate for the age range.

  Q. Can candidates use pens or pencils?

  A. Candidates must use pencil in all papers. Candidates type their answers on screen in the computer-based version.

  Q. If candidates write entirely in capital letters, does this affect their score?

  A. Candidates are not penalised for writing in capital letters inCambridgeEnglish: Key.

  Q. How long does the whole test take?

  A. •Readingand Writing: 1 hour 10 minutes

  • Listening: 30 minutes

  • Speaking: up to 10 minutes

  Q. How much does the test cost?

  A. Please contact your local centre for details of examination entry fees.

  Q. How soon do candidates get the results?

  A. Statements of Results are normally available online around 5–7 weeks after the exam for paper-based exams and two weeks after the exam for computer-based tests. You can see the exact release date on your Confirmation of Entry, which your centre should have provided you with. Please contact your centre if you have lost/not received this.

  Certificates are normally sent to exam centres within three months of the exam. Please contact your centre if you need to know the specific date.

  Q. What can candidates do if they’re not happy with the results?

  A. If a school or candidate believes that a result is incorrect, they can request a Results Enquiry. This must be submitted through the centre where they took the exam.

  Candidates’ answers and other work done by candidates as part of an examination will not be released to candidates, schools or centres.

  Q. Can candidates repeat the exam?

  A. Yes, candidates can repeat the exam, though we suggest they leave sufficient time for additional study between the original exam and a resit.

  Q. Can candidates re-take just one paper rather than the whole test?

  A. No, students must retake the whole exam.

  Q. How long is the certificate valid for?

  A. Cambridge English: Key certificates do not expire.

  Q. Do candidates with special needs get any additional time or allowances?

  A. Cambridge English Language Assessment provides a comprehensive service for candidates who have special circumstances including those with specific learning difficulties, hearing difficulties or visual difficulties.

  Further details on our main website.

  Q. What can candidates take into the examination room?

  A. Your local centre will be able to provide you with a list of items that may or may not be taken into the exam room.

  Q. Are only British accents and British English used?

  A. The majority of accents used in Cambridge English: Key are British, but other varieties of English accent may be used, for example American or Australian.




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