
2019-02-19 02:53:48 来源:网络 作者:郑珊



Part 1


Do you like rainy days?


Not really, Im not fond of raining days since theyre quite trouble some for me. For instance, when Im walking on the street, a can could splash water on me, whichll make me feel cold.

 What do you do on rainy days?


Personally I prefer to stay at home and enjoy my leisure time. Iusually stay in bed all day long. Sometimes I can also get immersed in a goodbook or watch some romantic movies.

 What is the importance of the rainfall?


Rain has various benefits such as watering the plants. It also cleans the roads of any dirt or dust, not to mention cleanses the air from pollution. Rain can also make people feel peaceful as they can listen to the rain drops outside.




题目: Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree




Modern technologies such as video games and TV sets are no longer novelties to most of the families. Children know how to operate these machines at quite an early age, and some even indulge themselves in electronic entertainments. There are some worries about the bad impacts of the trend on childrens brain development, and I believe this is not a groundless concern.


As the technologies develop at such a rapid rate, it is true that childrens way of learning and mental development are different from those of the old times. The young people have more choices on how to acquire knowledge other than traditional ways like books and real-world communication. TV programs canprovide viewers information vividly with sounds and images, while video games train the playersability tounder stand instructions and make immediate decisions. It seems that these newforms of hi-tech really benefit children a lot.


Unfortunately, the reality is not the case. TV programs and video game developers take making profit as their top priority, instead of functioning as a method to educate children or facilitate mind development. The advantages they advocate is a way to promote the sales to a large extent, but the effect on brain progress is yet to be testified. In order to retain users, designers of TV programs and games are inclined to make their product sexciting to watch, easy to understand and more likely to be addictive, which means how to provoke childrens potential is not the initial goal, not to mention the cost and the risks to combine pure entertainment with professional cognitive practice. After all, TV and video games are more of a way to relax and have fun in current days. Such activities gain popularity because they make people satisfied by requiring less brain work.


Therefore, it is dubious that entertaining technologies can help children become more talented and smart. But the truthfor now is that, the more TV a child watches, the lower grades he or she gets.






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