
2021-04-08 23:18:26 来源:网络 作者:



综合写作的写作部分;一般来讲,综合写作的结构分为四段式就足够了,开头一段,中间三段是三个分论点的论证; 结尾段则不是必需的,考生在考试的时候可以略过或大概总结下。开头段一定要讲明听力的主要观点,即中心思想,而且还要论证清楚听力与阅读的反驳对立的逻辑关系。中间段的每段就是听力和阅读就每个分论点的反驳。考生可以先列清楚阅读的主要观点,然后再加上表示对比的连接词,如while,however,on the contrary之类,后面紧跟听力的主要观点,再之后就是对此观点详细论证的细节。

我们在来看看独立写作。在独立写作部分大家抱怨*多的,恐怕就是“这题咋写呀?” “这有啥可讨论的?” “没思路。。。”确实,挺多的独立写作题目看似比较刁钻,或者比较抽象,让人一时想不到破解之法,如果在考场上碰到了,确实让人着急。其实,之所以大家觉得题目刁钻或抽象,是和我们平时的思维方式有关的。*同学的思维通常是抽象的,总结性质的,这种思维方式擅长去做*了足够场景和细节的题目,比如这道题:

To be happy, it is more important to maintain a small group of friends over a long period of time than it is to make new friends.


The rules today are too strict for young people to follow.

相信很多考生碰到这道题的时候,都会有些不知所措,因为这道题太抽象了,给出的细节信息太少了。怎么找到思路呢?我们只需要把抽象的题目进行具体化就好了。先来分析一下,针对年轻人,都有哪些rules?交通规则肯定不行,因为交通规则是所有人都必须遵守的;所以,诚实守信,遵纪守法,以及尊老爱幼,这些也都不行。而校服(uniforms),或者说校园着装规范(dress codes),这个规则是针对年轻人的,以及校园内的几乎所有规则,都在这道题的讨论范围内。所以我们可以把这个抽象的题目转化成:学校要求学生只能穿校服的规定是不是过于严格呢?是不是思路好想多了呢?



题目:Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

范文:Once upon time, a man pleaded a piece of land from a tribe chief. The chief gave the man a pole and told him that if he could insert the pole in a place from which he could come back before the sunset, the land between tribe station and the pole would belong to him. The man was so greedy that he exhausted to death on the way back. From this story we can see that although the man had his goal and action, he had no plan. A good plan is essential for success. It can quantify the task and make it possible for a man to arrange his time effectively.Secondly, the advantage of good planning is that one can dispose his time and energy more effectively. It occurs very often in life that one should do a lot of things simultaneously. To take care of his children, to work, to spend enough time with his family and friends, only by a careful planning can a man accomplish his several targets in a short time.

Let us come back to the former story. If the man were a coward he would always fear that he could not come back before the sunset. The answer must be that he got much less than what he could have. Therefore success, to some extent, needs risk. But I think a careful plan is more important because it changes success into a routine and it helps a man use his time more effectively.

First, by means of planning a man quantifies his task. He divides his final target into several periodic ones. Thus, he could average the pressure and see his progress during each period. A good plan encourages a man to fulfill his destination positively rather than passively. Actually, all successful people have their careful plans. For example, an excellent student must have a study schedule that include how to learn new knowledge and how to review old contents; an outstanding businessman needs a rational marketing plan that defines the best avenues to reach his target customers and then assigns a reasonable budget to his efforts. If one could execute his periodic target successfully every time, he could easily achieve his ultimate target. More significantly, during this process a man will acquire a lot of qualities that are essential to success.




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