
2021-04-27 15:00:15 来源:网络 作者:

这个话题我觉得大家只要使用生活中的常理和知识来回答就可以了。不建议走个性化路线, 因为我们的解释部分一定要能够和答案呼应。所以在有限的时间内,我们用*通俗易懂的内容来应对。人生每个阶段都被赋予了不同的任务和角色,但是并不是说哪个阶段一定是*好或*重要的, 但是做为问题来说,我们还是要给出一个清楚的回答,不要模棱两可或模糊。只要自己讲的内容通顺合理,就一定能够取得理想的结果。希望这样的回答能够给各位同学带来启发。





Do you enjoy the current stage of life?


A stage of an activity, process, or period is one part of it.

(活动、过程、时期的) 阶段

▲The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


Do you enjoy your current stage of life?

I believe everyone should enjoy the current stage of his or her life. As it is often said: we ought to live the moment. So, each stage of life has its own merits and demerits, which is something we should accept with open arms. Also, both dwelling on the past and putting much hope for the future is not realistic.

Which stage of life do you think is the most important?

It’s really hard to say which is the most important, as each phase is given its own meanings and expectations. However, overall, I guess the stage of adulthood, particularly people in the 20s and 30s are experiencing the most important phase of life. It is quite understandable that during this span of time, our physical and mental performance are at the best throughout our lives. Most importantly, people at this stage could experience so much more things in life that you may not able to do so otherwise.

In which stage of your life were you the happiest?

Of course, it is when I was a child, around 5 -10 years old. Because I didn’t have much to worry about and I was able to enjoy myself with my pals every day. Homework was not that much and I had plenty of time doing things I like.

What is your plan for the next stage of your life?

I am expecting myself to get busy and work hard on my ambitions. For instance, I would like to get a decent job, save some money for traveling and find time to pursue hobbies. It may sound quite challenging, but it is the way to make life more exciting and meaningful.


Live the moment 活在当下

Merits and demerits 优劣势

Dwell on the past 沉浸在过去

Realistic 现实的

Overall 总体来说

Adulthood 成年期

Phase 阶段

At the best *好的时期

Worry-free 无忧无虑

Pal 伙伴

Work hard on 努力做

A decent job 一份不错的工作

Pursue hobbies 追求喜好




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