消极的:negative 负面的, glass-half-empty type 悲观型的,dwell on negative parts of our lives 沉湎于不好的事情, pessimistic 悲观的, pessimist 悲观主义、悲观主义者
积极的:positive 正面的, glass-half-full type 乐观型的,celebrate positives 为生活中发生的好事感到庆幸, be grateful for what you have 感激你所拥有的, see the world through rose-tinted glasses 乐观看待*, optimistic 乐观的, optimist 乐观主义、乐观主义者
develop a positive attitutde 培养积极的态度 = have a hopeful outlook on life= have a positive approach to life=keep things in perspective
The saying goes: a healthy body leads a healthy mind
benefits: longevity 长寿, healthy ageing 健康地老去, easier to control emotions (更容易控制情绪) and get less stressed (压力更小). And as stress impacts on the immune system(免疫系统), it's possible that optimists cope better with infections.