
2021-05-23 11:27:52 来源:网络 作者:

   雅思口语考试中什么才是真正的答案,*喜欢听到怎样的回答?这个问题并不是“仁者见仁,智者 见智”能简单回答的。仔细分析同学的经验发现 :,是有规律可循的。下面是三组对比答案,看看能否自己找出区别所在?
  Group 1
 Question:  Say something about your hometown.
  Answer A: I come from a small city. My city is very small, and you can even hardly
find it on the map. But I love my hometown, because it’s quite beautiful. I’m proud of my hometown.
 Answer B:  My hometown is Qufu in Shandong Province. It is about 130 km south of the provincial capital Jinan. Qufu is not a geographically big place and with a relatively small urban population of sixty thousand. Known as the legendary birthplace of Confucius, my hometown enjoys great popularity as a famous tourism city.
  Group 2
 Question:  Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people?
  Answer A: Yes. You see, my hometown is Shanghai. It is very developed and vibrant.
  Answer B:  Yes, I think so. My hometown is a very developed city, so there are more job chances and competitions. I believe young people can easily find jobs here. Besides, there are a lot of places of entertainment like the cinemas, pubs, theaters that cater to the young.
  Group 3
 Question:  Do you love eating fruits, and why?
  Answer A:  Of course. I’m crazy about fruits, especially citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. They are sweet and sour, and very juicy.
  Answer B:  Sure. I love fruits a lot, especially those juicy fruits. There are at least three reasons I’m into fruits. Primarily, most of them are rich in vitamins,
fiber and water. And these make me healthier. Furthermore, eating fruits can produce sensation of fullness easily, so it’s a good choice when I’m on diet. Last but not least, fruits are really tasty.
  我们来分析一下这三组答案。Answer B 比 Answer A 更好,好在哪儿?
  Group 1 的 Answer A 对家乡的描述非常概括,每句话都停留在表面,听者听完之后的感觉是 -- 毫无信息感。而 Answer B 通过对地理面积、人口规模及特别之处的细致描述,给听者打开了一扇了解这个城市的窗户。结论是,Answer B 的成功之处在于 :答案非常informative.
  Group 2 的 Answer A 认为上海适合年轻人居住,但理由很简单,因为“发达”。这样的答案很符合*人的思维特点,答案后面实际上还有很多的潜台词,发达就代表着经济好,经济好就业机会就多,这样年轻人就能先立业 ;城市发达也说明,这里会有很多“好玩”的地方,这对年轻人也是不可或缺的。*人在交流中能主动理解这些潜台词,但在英语交流时,这是大的忌讳。西方人要的答案永远要有足够的细节。结论是,Answer B 的胜出是因为 :答案十分 detailed.
   Group 3 的 Answer A 用举例的方式回答了“是否喜欢水果及其原因”这个问题,可以 看出,答案简单而且缺乏逻辑。Answer B 的胜出不是因为说得多,而是层次鲜明、逻辑清晰、 说服力很强。结论是,Answer B 的成功源于 :答案非常 logical.
  所以,真正的答案,一定要 Informative, Detailed 和 Logical。





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