雅思口语加分表达:增加更多细节Add more details

2021-06-03 22:45:31 来源:网络 作者:
加分表达 As well as that 【注释】除此以外 【例句】People have realized the threats that pollutions bringing to us as well as the urgency of protecting the environment. Not only that 【注释】不仅如此 【例句】That lecturer taught us many key points in learning English. Not only t

As well as that


【例句】People have realized the threats that pollutions bringing to us as well as the urgency of protecting the environment.


Not only that


【例句】That lecturer taught us many key points in learning English. Not only that, he also shared with us many useful skills about English study.


 On top of that 


【例句】He lost his job. On top of that, his wife left him.


Another thing is


【例句】I got really good marks on my subjects. Another thing is that I made a lot of good friends with my classmates.




【例句】An apartment is more affordable to me than a house. Besides, it takes less time to clean up an apartment.


What’s more 


【例句】I don’t like pubs. They’re noisy, smelly, and what’s more, expensive.


More than that


【例句】Swimming is a good way of exercising the body. More than that, it is also a great stress-reliever.




【例句】Watching English-language films is a good way to improve the English speaking and listening. Furthermore, it’s a direct way to learn about the authentic western culture.


In addition  


【例句】Travel can enrich our life experience. In addition, it can also enlarge our scope of knowledge.




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