
2021-06-15 22:01:54 来源:网络 作者:



green house plants绿色植物

comfortable beds舒适的床

living room furniture卧室家具


storage spaces储藏空间



My home decoration is not very fancy, but includes everything one might expect. There are some green plants that make the house look lively. The lighting is great especially in the evening, making the house look quite cozy. What I like most is the comfortable bed in the bedroom. I can sleep soundly in it.



fill the walls with artwork 在墙上挂满艺术品



To be honest, I am quite pleased with the present decoration style. But if I had to add something, I would like to fill the walls with artworks like paintings. They always add style to the home that I like to prioritize.



calming 静心怡神的

dusty 土灰色的


When it comes to decoration, my favorite colors are dusty colors, like dusty gray. I find it quite calming if the floor is in that color.






Reasons for redecorating: 

Time For a Style Update 更新风格

Having Children 有*

Increasing the Value 增值




There are several reasons why people redecorate their homes in China. First, some people may feel it is time for a style update. Understandably, people get bored with their decoration after seeing the same layout for years, so they may want to see some changes through redecoration. Another reason is having children. Certainly, the family needs a nursery for this new addition, and therefore one of the rooms needs redecorating. There is also another reason for redecorating, which is to increase value of the home. In major cities like Shanghai, people buy new homes and the old homes are usually rented out. some would-be landlords redecorate their old homes so that they can be rented at a higher rate.




1)      What is your home’s decoration?

The decorations in my home mainly include photos and ornaments. The photos are mostly my family picture or photos of an individual. And, the ornaments are almost from my friends and my family friends, they gave us as a gift. So most of them are meaningful.


2)      What kind of decoration do you want to have?

To me, I don't really want to have any decorations anymore since there are too many in my room already. But if I have to choose, I also want to have an ornament as a decoration of my room since I think most of them are pretty and there is always a story behind them.


3)      Do Chinese people like redecorating their home?

I don't think Chinese people like to redecorate their homes since it is something that costs a lot of money and time. Chinese people do like to buy something small that can give their room a little bit fresh mood, but I don't think we like to change into a brand-new house style in each short period.


4)      What is your favorite color when decorating your home?

To me, I don't really have a favourite colour for decorating the house although I do have a favourite colour which is grey, I don't think it is a perfect colour for decorating the room. So I will say any light colour will be good since the home is a place for people to relax. For example, light blue or white will be a good choice since they will make me feel peace, while the ones that I don't recommend are colours like red or orange since they will make people feel passionate.




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