
2021-07-01 10:46:02 来源:网络 作者:






  The traditional Chinese calendar, also known as the Lunar Calendar, divides a year into 24 solar terms. Lidong, the 19th solar term, usually begins around November 7 and ends around November 22. The first day of Lidong indicates that winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up.

  To celebrate Lidong, similar to Thanksgiving, Chinese people would express gratitude for a good year and have a big dinner! The most popular dish for Lidong is dumplings. A legend has it that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing, the “Medical Saint” saved many people in Henan province from a typhoid epidemic and their ears from being frostbitten around the start of Winter. He cooked mutton, hot peppers and herbs to dispel the cold and increase body heat. He wrapped these ingredients into a dough skin and made them into an ear shape. Since then, people have learned to make the food, which became known as “dumplings”. Today there is still a saying that goes “Eat dumplings on the Start of Winter Day or your ears will be frostbitten”.


  1. harvest v. 收割

  2. frostbite v. 冻伤

  3. ingredient n. 原料,配料




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