
2019-03-01 02:02:08 来源:网络 作者:郑珊




  Recently, it was discovered that many university students do not have good learning habits. Some people think university students should be required to take courses on learning skills, while others think there is no need to make those classes compulsory. What is your opinion?


  It was recently reported that many students in college haven’t developed proper study skills by the time they start classes in university. Some people have begun suggesting that universities begin mandatory learning skills classes in order to correct the problem. However, I disagree with that solution. I do not believe universities should require students to take learning skills classes.

  First off, it’s too late to begin developing study skills if students haven’t already developed them by the time they’re in university. People are supposed to develop study skills before university and then use the university years to prepare for a career. If colleges are still helping students just develop study skills, how are they ever going to have enough time to get students ready for a career? By the time we get to university, most students will have already spent at least 12 years studying in school. That’s plenty of time to develop study skills, so it’s not necessary for university’s to make mandatory study skill classes.

  On top of that, it takes a lot of money to attend a university. For one thing, I want every class to help me prepare for my future career because university classes cost money. I don’t want to pay for classes on study skills—which I’ve already learned—just because some other students were lazy in high school. For another thing, students can choose when they want to go to university. If the student doesn’t have the necessary learning skills, then they should hire a tutor or practice those skills before coming to university. It makes no sense to force students to pay for classes on learning skills when students should already have those skills before entering university.

  Finally, it would be demotivating for the best students. Imagine being a great student that worked hard all throughout their school years to build great study skills. Finally they get to university, and what is their first class? A mandatory course on study skills designed to help students who were lazy throughout their school years. This would destroy the motivation of great students’ right at the start of their university years. A university education is something that we choose, not something that’s mandatory. Therefore, universities should try to offer the strongest education they can. They should be trying to challenge all students, especially the great students. Universities shouldn’t lower the standards of their education to accommodate bad students.

  In the end, I think it would be a poor idea for universities to require students to take courses on learning skills. Those are skills students should already know, it would demotivate hard-working students, and it would lower the level of the university’s education as a whole.


  It was recently reported that… *近有报道说……

  to develop proper study skills 培养合适的学习技能

  mandatory 强制的,命令的

  It makes no sense… 毫无意义

  demotivating 失去动力的,变得消极的

  to destroy the motivation 摧毁动机

  to challenge all students 挑战所有学生

  to lower the standards of their education 降低他们的教育水平

  to accommodate 适应


  1. However, I disagree with that solution. I do not believe universities should require students to take learning skills classes.

  句子中用了“do not”这种强调否定的表达,配合宾语从句中的“should”的使用可见作者的否定语气非常强烈。一般来说,除非完全不同意某一种观点并在接下来的写作中完全一边倒,除此之外请谨慎使用语气强烈的句式。

  2. I don’t want to pay for classes on study skills—which I’ve already learned—just because some other students were lazy in high school.

  英文中的破折号和中文中的破折号使用起来十分接近,都是表示解释说明。该句句子的破折号之间使用了定语从句,用来修饰前面的“study skills”。





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