
2021-07-08 14:59:41 来源:网络 作者:



  flat / apartment :

  A, in the downtown area, convenient transportation

  B, better public facilities, such as hospitals, nurseries, schools, supermarkets, etc..

  C, low crime rate

  D, leave all troubles to the property management company (物业公司)

  E, high population density

  F, a sense of detachment and isolation


  A, in the suburbs, away from noise and exhaust fumes

  B, better sceneries, closer to nature

  C, freedom to decorate the house as you will

  D, a small yard to grow some plants, even herd a few chickens, hiahia~~

  E, spacious enough to hold parties and barbeques

  F, a little too far from work

  G, concern over security

  2,和父母住的优缺点?(老题 = 与爷爷奶奶住一起的优缺点)

  A, wonderful cooking

  B, troublefree cleaning

  C, going back home early

  D, being quiet

  E, being there to look out for my parents in case of emergency


  there are a lot that i can tolerate, since i am of a tolerant type. so let me tell you things that i can't tolerate. to name a few, ...

  A, food

  i don't have a taste for spicy food

  allergic to spice (对辣过敏)

  B, cleaning

  i have an obsession toward perfect cleanness.

  i can not tolerate someone who does not wash his socks.

  C, noise

  D, smoking

  E, drinking:intoxicated,alcoholic

  F, talkative chatty

  G, unreasonable schedule

  H, party animal (聚会狂人)

  4,喜欢购物么?(老题 = 购物地点、购物经历、衣服、礼物、玩具)

  Boy 版:

  well, as a boy, i have to say shopping does not interest me. you know, we boys tend to enter a shopping center and go directly to the shop we have in mind, and buy directly the thing we have in mind, and leave. maybe someday i should learn to slow down a little and try to understand why girls are so obsessed with the endless window shopping.

  Girl 版:

  you must be kidding. look at this, this, and this.(身上的衣物展示状)i 'd have to say that i am crazy about shopping. i can stay in a shopping center all day long without stopping trying this and that. you know what, shopping is a totally fascinating experience for me. it enriches me and completes me. i would not have made it this far without shopping. (泪光闪闪幸福状。。。)hmm, only thing is, i guess i have to make more money.




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