
2021-07-22 14:34:02 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
托福综合写作题目回忆: 综合:一种用iron dust fertilize的plankton吸收二氧化碳,文章反对,听力赞同;托福独立写作​题目回忆。


综合:一种用iron dust fertilize的plankton吸收二氧化碳,文章反对,听力赞同。

1. ineffective因为吸收的量有限。教授:实验太短,只持续了一个月。plankton能存活2-3个月,而且*个月吸收的少后期比较多。

2. 会释放毒素对鱼有害进而损害人体。确实存在这个问题,但是一旦出现就停止iron fertilizer,毒素就会分解,所以不存在*的危害。

3. 可能破坏海洋生态。只是可能,但是这plankton方法依然值得推行,因为不这么做有更严重的后果(全球变暖而且肯定发生)


Sometimes people wish to be more confident-for example, they may want to express their opinions more frequently in meetings at work, or they want to contribute more to class discussions at school. which One do you think would best help to increase confidence in these types of work or school situations? why? 

1.  spending more time preparing for class discussions at school or meetings at work  

2. learning about and practicing techniques to help you become more confident    

3. finding a more experienced person who can give advice about how to handle these situations.


. 此题重复了2020年8月第2周的家考题目. 
二. 审题注意点

1. “to increase confidence”:限定了目的。

--大家可以先分析自己为什么会没有自信,一般是:①害怕自己说错;② 即使自己知道说对了,也害怕自己表现不好。….


2. “in these types of work or school situation”: 题目所划定的范围比较大,也很具体(

they may want to express their opinions more frequently in meetings at work, or they want to contribute more to class discussions at school.),这就减轻了难度,可以从工作场景去举例分析,可以从课堂场景去举例分析。可以2选1,并不需要2个选项都分析.


开头段: The uncertainties of whether having the right answer and of how towin audience’s favor are usually the two major factor sapping/shaking/undermining people’s confidence in public speaking. Therefore, spending more time in preparing is comparably the best method to instill confidence in myself.
中间段1:The more thorough preparation I make, the more I can improve opon on the content of speech, therefore building up my confidence in what I want to contribute to. 很多时候因为我不确定我想发言的内容,想做的presentation的内容是否正确,所以不敢在课堂上举手发言raise my hands,只好躲在角落(hide in the dark)里看其他同学说出了跟我心中一样的答案。但是,如果花很多时间准备,查看相关的资料,发现并且修改我的想法中可能的错误。如果我的想法被大部分确认是正确的,I therefore gain the courage to speak out directly at class; 如果有些错误,if some flaws are revealed, I can know how to improve on them(写作团day12语料),下次也会敢于说出自己的答案。
中间段2:多准备多练习更可以通过*我的表述技巧by helping me figure out the most suitable for me to express myself 而*自信。For example, 当我准备好内容后,我会自己面对镜子,或者找几个好朋友,进行彩排rehearse我要说的内容。在这个过程中,我可能才意识到是否我的body gestures 过多从而干扰观众听我讲话.或者我的语气tone 太soft或者too aggressive, 不能说服别人相信我的观点。 
中间段3:Admittedly, it seems that 学更多的技巧techniques 和听取有经验人的建议也能*我的信心.... However, 很多有经验人的建议可能只能过时,他们的建议根本不适应我的情况(Their suggestion are very likely not suitable for me./The best confidence-improving method varies from person to person. –写作团day10 范文)。而技巧学得再多,如果不在实际中去运用(apply theories in practice),也没法*我的信心。

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