7.4日托福写作考题分析 | 政治类老题: 年轻人是否对政治更感兴趣了

2021-07-22 14:46:48 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
托福综合写作考题: 考拉人口减少 阅读: *个原因是失去栖息地让他们竞争激烈 第二个原因是机动车的发展使他们容易在移动的过程中被车撞死 第三个原因是fencing 他们爬得太慢会被狗咬死






第三个原因是fencing 他们爬得太慢会被狗咬死


一. 这道题重复了2020年11月、9月、8月家考题目。去年重复第3次了。 

二. 审题注意点:

1. more interested in politics 到底指的是什么:看到关注政治信息;发表评论comment; 参与投票vote; 参与竞选run for; election campaign..; 参与游行 Pride Parade...

2. 再相应地分析 现在的年轻人为什么会去做到这些事。



总观点:I agree with it.

First, the advanced social media fuels students’ passion to get engaged in politics. 发达的媒体资讯点燃了学生对政治的热情。--举例Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram all are used by the media to inform students of what is happening in their country: president’s attitude to the so called Trade War, the mayor’s evasion of tax or the Pride Parade of gay group.. —其次名人也助了一臂之力。Besides, a lot of celebrities, athletes and movie stars like Lady Gaga, Angelina Julie, George Clooney are devoting themselves to launching campaigns for equality of minority or preventing global warming. Their devotion also serves as a motivation for their fans to follow suit. --对比:这些在过去都是很难实现的.

Second, modern education has also helps the trend a lot. 现代教育也鼓励了这个趋势。—课程:compulsory courses ranging from literature, philosophy to politics all inevitably instill the value of democracy and equality to students by lecturing on the sage’s wisdom about how a good country should be or.. —学校的活动锻炼了学生:besides, increasingly number of schools allow students’ autonomy, encouraging them to run for students government, making policy on campus. —Therefore, after graduation, students are automatically taking part in voting or making their own voice heard.

Third, our society also create a more tolerating atmosphere. 社会创造的包容了氛围也鼓励了年轻人来参与. — 欢迎年轻人来参与。而不是像以前那样认为他们年轻too young and sometimes naive...

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